
About myself

Look for lydon in MoinMoinChat.

tla/arch repository

A mirror of my branches: ograf@bitart.de--2004-local. The archive is signed.

Public Key



{{{pub 1024D/19ABB5D5 2004-07-21 Oliver Graf (bitart tla archive) <ograf@bitart.de>

Key fingerprint = 4EDB C3E3 6212 0C51 7C62 946B 4712 E02F 19AB B5D5 }}}

MoinMoin Projects

Old stuff is in the /ProjectAttic

Messages to me

I have been using your version of MonthCalendar. I was not 100% satisfied, so I made some small changes. Please have a look at it. You can find it at my personal page. Perhaps you may want to incorporate some of the things in your version. -- PeterKleiweg 2004-08-13 23:19:18

Dear Oliver
I will need some help with the parser from my processor. Is a parser now callable from a different place as the first line? Best for me would be a simple example how to get a parameter into a parser. Additional to this I will have a look to call it as macro too. -- ReimarBauer 2004-09-28 18:03:34


I've followed your newauth work (/HttpAuthentication) because I want to use my existing HTTP authentication with Moin.

I use Moin 1.3, set auth_http_enbled, & confirmed the environment contains AUTH_TYPE=Basic & REMOTE_USER=me@REALM. However, I see no change in Moin's behavior. I want my changes identified with my username & to avoid notification of my own changes. I tried creating a user profile for my username, but Moin won't accept the "@" character (someone else noticed this problem - SecurityProposals).

I learned just enough arch to check out your newauth repository, hoping it might be helpful, but haven't figured out where to start. What I checked out seems out of date, & I haven't learned enough arch to check out your branch against the latest version of Moin.

I guess I want to know how your newauth stuff is coming & if it can now (or with a little work by me) be used to map illegal usernames (me@REALM) to user profiles?

Thanks! - Jack <ms419@freezone.co.uk>

/!\ These docs are quite confusing, cause lots of people added halftruths and use Alias and stuff. A rewrite is on the way. -- OliverGraf 2004-12-15 08:47:48

quoted from HelpOnInstalling/ApacheWithModPython

Salut Oliver,

Do you know if your patch "Inherit Parent Page ACLs" will be integrated in the next MoinMoin release? Just tried to apply it to the current release (1.3), and it's not working (Page.py changed a bit, and probably the other files as well). If you have an uptodate version... ? :)

-- OlivierMueller 2005-03-03 11:40:00

Moin Oliver,

if you have some minutes, could you please modify the java source and rebuild the Twikidraw binary with the following change:

In MoinMoin.request.run, we currently need to have a special case checking filepath and noredirect form keys to detect when twikidraw wants to save a drawing.

This would be much more clean, if twikidraw posted additionally some action=AttachFile&do=savedrawing (for example), so that this code could get moved to AttachFile.py and would be handled by the generic action handler (some lines below in request.py).

BTW, we switched to hg, see MoinDev/MercurialGuide.


-- ThomasWaldmann 2006-05-05 09:02:41

MoinMoin: OliverGraf (last edited 2007-10-29 19:20:32 by localhost)