
The MoinMoin project uses Mercurial as its source code management system.

About Mercurial



Just click the link if you want to browse the repository.

Setting your name

Edit ~/.hgrc or %USERPROFILE%\mercurial.ini and add:

username=My Name <>
# for hg 1.3.1 (and maybe also later versions), better NOT configure this:
#merge = internal:merge

kdiff3 for merges

Add to ~/.hgrc:

hgext.extdiff =

cmd.kdiff3 =

kdiff3.args = $base $local $other -o $output

This adds a new graphical diff command hg kdiff3 (using ExtdiffExtension), and tells Mercurial to use kdiff3 for merges.

Simple Tasks

Getting the current source code

hg clone moin-2.0

(!) For every command shown in the section below, it is assumed that your current directory is moin-2.0.

Updating the repository

(!) Before doing this, you must have a clean workdir (not containing any changes of you - so either commit your stuff or revert everything).

(!) Read what hg tells you! If it tells you that you have to do a merge, do it - see next section.

# pull changes from the default repo into your local repo:
hg pull -u
# pull changes from some specific repo into your local repo:
hg pull -u  # for merging main repo


hg merge

This will merge 2 heads present in your repo into your workdir.

The merge might create merge conflicts that need to get resolved manually.

Use hg resolve -l to list resolve status (U is unresolved stuff you need to fix).

Use hg resolve -m filename to mark a file as resolved.

After merging and resolving, you must carefully review your changes (see section below) and finally commit them:

hg diff
hg status
hg commit -m "merged main"  # use correct repo name

/!\ You MUST NOT do any non-merging related changes in your merge changeset.

/!\ There MUST NOT be any conflicts left when you commit. Conflicts are usually marked in the source code like this:

<<<<<<< local
B - my local changes
||||||| base
B - changes made by others
>>>>>>> other

Moving files

/!\ It is important that, if you have to move files, to use hg mv for it.

(!) If you are just moving them in the file system, hg will just see one deleted file and one new file and you will break the history of the file.

Review your own changes

hg diff
hg status

(!) Please repeat those commands until you are completely happy with your changes (reading them one or two times, line by line, often helps to avoid errors. While reading your changes again and again, you can also think about a great commit comment.

Contribute your changes

After you have convinced yourself that you are completely happy with your changes (see section above), you can commit them to your repository:

hg commit -m 'Fixed foo'  # please be more verbose!
hg bundle mybundlefile

Then spread the file mybundlefile. ?how would one use such a "spread" bundle?

Alternatively, you can generate a patch file by writing:

hg export -o mypatchfile tip

Write access to main repository

  1. Submit your ssh pub key to ThomasWaldmann.

  2. Add the following line to the [paths] section of .hg/hgrc (located in the root of the repository):

    default-push = ssh://
  3. When Thomas has installed your key file, you can write to the main repository like this:
    hg commit -m "Fixed foo"
    hg push
    # server fingerprints:
    # 67:e3:03:85:be:03:ea:f3:ae:a1:53:66:b1:cd:26:85 (rsa)
    # 50:25:0a:ec:7b:bd:6e:2d:35:4f:64:24:9c:1a:e5:2d (dsa)

Importing a patch file

hg import patchfile


Revert all changes in the working directory:

hg revert --all

Roll back

Roll back the last transaction in this repository, restoring the project to its state prior to the transaction.

/!\ You should rarely have to use this, see also revert. Please think and test before committing.

hg rollback

Posting your workdir patches on a pastebin

The most pleasant way is the hg paste extension its available at

hg paste

MoinMoin: MoinDev/MercurialGuide (last edited 2011-12-13 21:39:00 by RogerHaase)