The page history under the "Info" action is undiscoverable


Looking for the history of changes for the page currently viewed the user will search for something similar to "Changes" or "History", ignoring "Info" because is too generic.


Trying to find the history of changes of the page currently viewed.


Myself and others that tried to use moinmoin.


This often happens when checking the freshness of a page by looking in the history how often has been updated and mantained, but it happens every time one has to find where is the history.

MoinMoin version: 1.5


Putting the page history under "Info" makes it undiscoverable.

Currently the only information available by clicking on the "Info" is the page revision history, so it may be pratical to just rename this action to "Changes", "Show Changes" or "History" (Mediawiki uses the latter).

Dirty Fix

In MoinMoin/i18n/en.MoinMoin.po change

msgid "Info"
msgstr ""


msgid "Info"
msgstr "History"

The downside - this makes the "General Info" page undiscoverable. -- Ro 2009-02-02 23:31:46

You suggest adding a wrong translation to all languages to "fix" something that isn't broken (see discussion above)?

You know that this might affect any code that calls_('Info'), not necessarily only the place where it is used for the navibar?


MoinMoin: UsabilityObservation/HowToGetHistory (last edited 2009-02-03 01:31:07 by ThomasWaldmann)