
If you include a link to a sub page as such [FrontPage/BookMarks Bookmarks] This works fine unless you are in a subpage of frontpage, either bookmarks or another subpage... at which point this link now points to FrontPage/FrontPage/BookMarks instead of FrontPage/BookMarks -- JonathanDietrich


Add '[SomePage/SomeSubPage SomeSubPage]' to your navi_bar config. The first part of the bracket link is not recognized as a page name, but quoted as an url (i.e. something that starts with http://). This results in a relative link, which is relative to the current (sub)page. So the first part gets appended to the current url.


This Wiki.


Don't use bracket links in the navi_bar. Or write the full URL to the target page.


The standard bracket link parser as it is used in the wiki parser, is not used for parsing navi_bar or user quicklinks.

Should this be fixed or should the documentation be changed (created?) stating that a navibar bracket link must supply a absolute URL? -- OliverGraf 2004-08-02 12:56:01

I think we should correct the docs first (5 minutes work). Then we can think on this for the next release. It does look like a bug, as barcket link does work in some case but fail on other.

Strange that link like this [PageName/PageName OtherName] does not work in the wiki page, but does work (partially) in the navibar!



-- NirSoffer 2004-08-02 13:23:35

Fixed as part of theme refactoring, by using page.link_to() to create the links



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/NaviBarBracketLinks (last edited 2007-10-29 19:13:28 by localhost)