



MoinMoinChat talks about a developer channel

This page is the core page for MoinMoin development. All important resources should be linked here. If you are a newcomer please go to /GettingStarted!

General information



MoinMoin Concepts & Subsystems

The following pages contain the requirements, design, and docs for various MoinMoin key concepts:

International support

If your code has user interface texts, they need to use i18n functions to easily get translated. Generally what you have to do is this:

Toggle line numbers
   1 _ = request.getText
   2 localizedText = _('No, do not push that button!')

Try to reuse other localized text already in the code if it makes sense. The user will be happy if he gets the same familiar response instead of a new little different one, and the translators will be happy too.

Release Planning

Repository notices

Git repositories

See the https://github.com/moinwiki organisation.

Tasks for improving developer documentation


What documentation should go into MoinMaster and what should rather be kept here? Benefit of MoinMaster is that this info gets distributed into every wiki. But I also think it does not make sense to have every developer doc in there? -- ThiloPfennig 2006-12-13 15:11:06

I have seen that some plugins do get outdated in some MoinMoin versions. Would it be possible to define an underlying version number for the APIs? So that rather than that we say: this is a plugin that works in version 1.3 and 1.5 we would say: This plugin works on parser-API version 0.3 ? I mean sometimes nothing changes for some extensions so you can assume that it must work on many different moin versions. Or is it so that one never can say that parts of MoinMoin guarantee to be stable so that you always have to test a plugin before you can say that it works (Well testing is always good). My intention is to make it maybe more simpler to sort extensions. Maybe the version number of MoinMoin does not make much sense? -- ThiloPfennig 2006-12-15 19:01:07

MoinMoin: MoinDev (last edited 2018-08-26 22:34:33 by ThomasWaldmann)