Create simple ASCII graphics with this parser (for moin 1.6, there is also the old original code from 2004 which implemented it as a processor).

From the usage help:

   { { {#!uml2ascii [Options]
      Diagram DDL
   } } }

   DDL Sample:
       [Box 1] -> [Box2] -(3,1)- [Box 3]
       [Box 4|...two liner...] -> --(2,)-- [Box 5.hvc=///]

   Box format:   [pos_x, pos_y, text, attr]
    pos_x      - column position of the box (optional, auto-incremented by default)
    pos_y      - row position of the box (optional, auto-incremented with new-line by default)
    text       - text to display in the box. Required. Use "|" for multi-line text. Use "|-|" for divider.
    attr       - Optional attributes:
                 hvc=... : use alternative characters: Horizontal, Vertical and Corner.
    Box samples: [Box1] [Class Point|-|int getX()|int getY()|void setX(int)|void setY(int)] [1,5,Box at cell 1:5]

   Link format:  START_CHAR -* FROM_TO -* END_CHAR
    START_CHAR - starting character. Required. 
    END_CHAR   - ending character. Required. 
    FROM_TO    - (id_from, id_to). Optional. From previous to next by default.
    id_from    - Box ID from which the links starts. Optional. Previous box by default.
    id_to      - Box ID to which the link goes. Optional. Next box by default.
    Link samples: -> <-> -- <> -(2,5)-> -(,7)->

    fg:color   - diagram color
    dx:value   - minimum horizontal gap
    dy:value   - minimum vertical gap
    nn:        - print box IDs

MoinMoin: uml2ascii (last edited 2007-10-29 19:21:00 by localhost)