1 """
   2     MailTo macro
   4     by Simon
   6     Outputs an anchor mailto link munged to discourage spam robots.
   7     Selected characters are replaced by numeric character references,
   8     see http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html3/latin1.html
   9     Title attribute is provided for anchor.
  11     [[MailTo(name, URL, description)]]
  14         name            email name
  15         URL             email URL
  16         description     description text in anchor, if not supplied name is used
  18     Examples
  19         [[MailTo(MyFriend, foo.bar)]]
  20         [[MailTo(some.one, the.inter.net, Some One)]]
  22 """
  23 import string
  25 def execute(macro, args):
  26     ''' handle the MailTo macro, return a HTML mailto anchor
  27     '''
  28     # parse the arguments
  29     if args==None:
  30         args = ''
  31     parseargs = string.split(args, ',')
  32     if len(parseargs)<2:
  33         return '<small><strong class="error">MailTo macro must have at least two arguments</strong></small>'
  34     emailname, emailurl, emaildesc = parseargs[:3]
  35     emailname = _munge_string(emailname)
  36     emailurl = _munge_string(emailurl)
  37     if emaildesc==None:
  38         emaildesc  =emailname
  39     emailanchor ='<a href="mailto:%s&#64;%s" title="Send an email to %s at %s">%s</a>'%(emailname, emailurl, emailname, emailurl, emaildesc)
  41     return emailanchor
  43 def _munge_string(argstring):
  44     '''
  45     '''
  46     result=''
  47     # replace selected characters with numeric entites
  48     for character in argstring:
  49         if character <> ' ':
  50             if character == '.':        # full stop (period)
  51                 result=result+'&#46;'
  52             elif character == '-':      # hyphen (minus)
  53                 result=result+'&#45;'
  54             elif character == '_':      # underscore (horizontal bar)
  55                 result=result+'&#95;'
  56             else:
  57                  result=result+character
  59     return result
  60 '''
  61     Potential future enhancements
  62         add class="external"
  63         add parameter to request mail icon, generating code <img src="/wiki/img/moin-email.gif" width="14" border="0" alt="[EMAIL]" hspace="4" height="10">,
  64             note, need to work out how to get path from moinmoin wiki.
  65         figure out how to generate a line end so the next piece of HTML starts on a new line (to make viewing the HTML source nice)
  66         add keyword arguement for keywords such as Subject, To, CC, BCC
  67 '''

MoinMoin: macro/MailTo.py (last edited 2007-10-29 19:16:12 by localhost)