1 # FieldActions description http://code.google.com/p/xappy/source/browse/trunk/xappy/fieldactions.py#379
   2 connection.add_field_action('itemid', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_EXACT)
   3 connection.add_field_action('wikiname', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_EXACT)
   4 connection.add_field_action('wikiname', xappy.FieldActions.SORTABLE)
   5 # 'language' is the language to use when processing the field.  This can
   6 # be expressed as an ISO 2-letter language code.  The supported languages
   7 # are those supported by the xapian core in use.
   8 connection.add_field_action('title', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_FREETEXT, weight=5, language=language)
   9 connection.add_field_action('title', xappy.FieldActions.SORTABLE)
  10 # 'spell' is a boolean flag - if true, the contents of the field will be used for spelling correction.
  11 connection.add_field_action('content', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_FREETEXT, language=language, spell=True)

MoinMoin: Xapian2009/API Changes/FieldStructure (last edited 2009-07-26 14:25:26 by DmitriiMiliaev)