Integration with MoinMoin/WikiRPC

editmoin (view) - editmoin allows a MoinMoin wiki to be edited using a preferred text editor instead of the text area embedded within the browser. (Tested with version: 1.6)

Fuse (Filesystem in Userspace) (view) - FUSE allows a user to mount a MoinMoin wiki as a drive on their local computer. A user is then able to edit the wiki with the editor of their choice. (Tested with version: This one)

Jedit (view) - Jedit is a multi-platform advanced text editor written in java. The editor easily implements into MoinMoin allowing a wiki to be directly edited. (Tested with version 4.2)

LaTeX (view) - LaTeX is a document preparation system allowing authors to focus more on content than visual appearance for scientific documents. See MoinMoin LaTeX Support. (Tested with version: NA [verison info not available])

OpenID (view) - OpenID allows for a user to have a single login for every website they visit so they no longer have to remember multiple usernames and passwords. (Tested with version: python-openid 1.0.x)

MoinMoin: WikiIntegration (last edited 2008-01-12 04:18:52 by BenKinneer)