TWiki to MoinMoin Converter

If you currently run TWiki and want to convert to MoinMoin, these script might be useful.

(!) If you enhance the scripts, please attach them to this page.

Updated twiki_to_moin

MikePittaro has created a new conversion utility based on the logic in the previous scripts.

It handles significantly more conversions, has been totally refactored, and includes unit tests for conversion logic.

The code is is hosted at GitHub to facilitate additional development.

The homepage is , the README includes the details.

Version 1.0 is attached

Feedback appreciated.

moin 1.8 / 1.9

Bill Trost updated the script to work with MoinMoin 1.8.

moin 1.3 (outdated)

A very rough start, but better than nothing. If you want to use this, you of course have to adapt paths etc. Improvements welcome.

I updated it to work with 1.3.5, and added some features. It still is very rough.

I added a dozen of new features. Code is a bit messy, attachment handling should be integrated with the actual conversion etc - erich@d.o


MoinMoin: TwikiConverter (last edited 2013-07-31 03:09:48 by MikePittaro)