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The "request" object is big and ugly and its impossible to answer such general questions :) Anyway, to list a tree of pages, you can use code like this:

   1 # This will create a filter for a page and all its sub pages
   2 def pageFamilyFilter(name):
   3     return name.startswith(u'MyPageName/')
   5 pages = request.rootpage.getPageList(user='', filter=pageFamilyFilter)
   6 pages.sort()

Now render pages in a list, each sub page level should create a new level. This is little tricky, but not related to moin missing API. See macro macro/

Thanks! -- TimCera 2005-10-07 13:14:17

Messages to Me

Hi Tim, I've used your SQL macro and have added some comments on MacroMarket/SQL. Please let me know if you are still maintaining this. -- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-06 04:18:00

MoinMoin: TimCera (last edited 2007-11-06 04:17:38 by AnkeHeinrich)