No matter what I try, I get page after page of the snippet below. Unfortunately I don't know if this is caused by a malconfigured instance of moinmoin or if it is a genuine bug. Anyway, I've tried to follow the instructions best I can. That is, I believe that files are in their proper locations etc... I was really surprised when I saw this (or sth. similar) listed as "fixed".

Start excerpt:

RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp End excerpt.

This has been encountered with moinmoin 1.71 running as stand alone and v2.3 of the explorer theme. OS is Ubuntu 8.04

Regards, Hkan

PS. Should need be I can problaby, given a pointer or two provide more info.

Thank you, Hkan, for reporting this bug. It was introduced by version 2.3 and occurred on recursion in the wiki tree structure, which on start even is to be expected. This bug was fixed by release 2.3.1. -- WolfgangFischer 2008-08-20 06:08:38

MoinMoin: ThemeMarket/Explorer/Fixed/MoinMoin 1.71, Expl 2.3; Persistant recursion depth exceeded (last edited 2008-08-20 06:09:46 by WolfgangFischer)