
I took the liberty to make a few changes to the Modernized theme(thanks for the previous work guys!), and this is what you get. You can see a live preview at the Bixly wiki (1.92). This is tested under 1.8 and 1.9.

Bixly theme screenshot



Latest stable release compatible with Moin 1.8


Thanks to Explorer theme for these directions.

  1. Unpack the archive.
  2. Copy the bixlytheme folder to the <moin installation folder>\wiki\htdocs folder.

  3. Copy the bixlytheme.py file to the <moin installation folder>\wiki\data\plugin\theme folder.


My programmers weren't able to help me out, so I had to hack a file to get the up/down anchors removed. In the MoinMoin source, which is located here for me on Debian


I commented the following code

1208         if self.request.user.show_topbottom:
1209             result += "%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (
1210                        self.anchorlink(1, "bottom"), self.icon('bottom'), self.anchorlink(0),
1211                        self.anchorlink(1, "top"), self.icon('top'), self.anchorlink(0))


You can reach me at adam@bixly.com . Bixly is a Python development company based in California.

MoinMoin: ThemeMarket/BixlyTheme (last edited 2012-07-30 18:10:16 by 50-73-60-57-static)