Coordination page for the Swedish translation.

How to translate

Please see MoinDev/Translation for instructions.

The parts to translate

System texts

The system texts (MoinI18n/sv on MoinMaster) are maintained by ThomasMarquart, previously by PerOlofsson. Everyone is welcome to make edits and corrections.

Currently, the system texts are in good shape for the coming 1.8 release.

System pages

For the upcoming 1.8 release, I plan to look at and the pages linked from there, but cannot promise a complete overhaul. -- ThomasMarquart 2008-09-20 10:04:15

Help pages

Nobody is maintaining the help pages AFAIK.

KarolinaLindqvist links to some pages she's translated on her user page, but I can't access them.


MoinMoin: SwedishTranslation (last edited 2008-09-20 10:04:16 by ThomasMarquart)