
One of the major obstacles to implementing an off the shelf browser based rich editor, is the difficulties involved in "round-tripping" the content (losslessly converting from html to moin markup, see HtmlConverter). An alternative to using a wiki markup language as the native format in which files are stored would be to use HTML.


This would be most valuable inside a corporate environment, or on a wiki with a closed userbase. As we have seen from the Internet and email, a fully html wiki would be a security nightmare, as well as offering additional opportunities for spammers to include content in open wikis.

But many organizations are finding wikis invaluable for sharing information internally. Wiki markup is becoming a major obstacle however, as beginning users cringe from an interface that doesn't involve pointing and clicking, and advanced users complain about the restrictions imposed by wiki markup.



Pages would be stored in html format, and much like the current implementation, would be processed to expand macros, add themes, etc. The major difference would be the removal of the wiki markup to html conversion step.


Users would be given the choice of editing the raw html, using a browser based WYSIWYG editor, or uploading an existing document.

CamelCase and Autolinking

One of the fundamental features of a wiki is the simple linking capability, usually by automatically linking words in mixed case to other wiki pages bearing the same title. This behavior should be preserved, either by modifying the WYSIWYG editor to autolink according to the wiki rules, or when it currently occurs, while generating the page for display.

Limiting HTML tags

One thing that might help reduce the security issues, as well as keep pages from becoming a design nightmare, would be to limit the allowed html tags to basic formatting commands. Public forums do this, for example. And advance option might be to create a permission to control the ability to use the full set of html tags.




Obviously this is wouldn not be a trival change to MoinMoin. In fact, this would arguably be a completely different program than MoinMoin. But this should be discussed, even if only to determine that this is a bad idea With the proliferation of more advanced browser based editing solutions, more people are going to ask this question.


MoinMoin: StorePagesAsHtml (last edited 2007-10-29 19:09:38 by localhost)