

            # Check if password is given and matches with password repeat
            if password != password2:
                return _("Passwords don't match!")
            if not password and newuser:
                return _("Please specify a password!")


            # Check if password is given and matches with password repeat
            from ldap_check import ldap_check
            if not newuser and (password or password2):
                return _("""Passwords can only be changed in LDAP, not here.
Please ask your system administrator about how to do that.""")
            if password != password2:
                return _("Passwords don't match!")
            if not password and newuser:
                return _("Please specify a password!")
            # Uncomment this if you want to check the ldap on user creation. Usually, everybody can add users, but the pass will never be used
            # if newuser and password and ldap_check(, password):
            #     return _("Password doesn't match LDAP entry. Please use your LDAP password.")

This will give people a message if they're trying to change their passwords (Passwords can only be changed in LDAP) for old users.

MoinMoin: SebastianBreier/CreateProfileChangePassword (last edited 2007-10-29 19:08:23 by localhost)