Here is my complete source for the CHM exporter, to be merged against a default MoinMoin 1.5.3 install. I just dump it here in answer to a request because I do not have the time to do it properly. contains all additional or modified MoinMoin source files. Merge this with the content of an original MoinMoin 1.5.3 "Lib/site-packages/MoinMoin" directory. Not all patches will be needed but I can't isolate them. should go into your moin15/share/htdocs directory, it is a heavily modified version of the monobook theme css etc.
To test the export to chm you need to do the following:
1. Install HTML Help Workshop
2. Create a target directory for chm exports, e.g. moin15\share\moin\htdocs\exports\chm\master15
3. Define a wiki farm with a wiki instance "master15" (see This should contain the normal underlay help pages. Make sure that this wiki runs properly before proceeding.
4. Adapt the settings in the sample export script, moin15\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\script\moin-chm-master15.bat
5. Run the sample export script (directly on the wiki server).
You should get a file dump_master15.chm in your target directory, this should contain the help pages
Please let me know if you run into any trouble. If you provide detailed traceback I may be able to help, however I can't promise anything.

-- RobertSeeger 2006-10-02 16:12:51

MoinMoin: RobertSeeger/MoinExporter/Source153 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:19:20 by localhost)