What done?

2 commits

1st - Jinja2 templates separated from the main Moin JS code. Also JS files being served from 'static'

2nd - Fixes JS lint errors

Commits pushed to local repo @ Bitbucket

Issues dealt with:

1. Function scope of variables in JS

2. The use of "var _ = $.i18n._;" in dictionary.js gives an error on line 54 @ https://github.com/recurser/jquery-i18n/blob/master/jquery.i18n.js

JS doesn't bind methods to objects automatically.

3. Template files need to be served from the 'template' directory. Cannot serve dictionary.js from 'static'. Get further clarity on this. maybe later.

4. Learnt about "hg mv" and swap files :)

TODO (next day)

start removing the global functions and variables.

Further discussion with TheSheep.

MoinMoin: RishabhRaj/GSOC-2013-Diary/2013-06-18 (last edited 2013-06-18 22:02:36 by RishabhRaj)