Abbreviation Parser

This parser is an extension of the standard Moin wiki parser and adds some abbreviation support there. This extension is mainly written for AccessibleMoin since it is one criteria for accessible sites, that abbrevations or acronyms should be marked with the <abbr title=.. lang=..> html markup.

Since the <acronym> tag won't be probably part of future (X)HTML standards and since Moin patches the missing <abbr> support of Internet Explorer, only <abbr> is used in AccessibleMoin to mark acronyms and abbreviations.



Marks the word WAI as an abbreviation and tries to retrieve the explanation from the standard abbreviation definitions page "AbbrDict" or the page specified with "#pragma abbreviation-definitions PageName" in the header of the page.


Marks the word WAI as an abbreviation and tries to retrieve the explanation from the specified page "OtherPage". You can use this to overwrite the default settings "AbbrDict" or "#pragma abbreviation-definitions PageName"

        ^WAI:Web Accessibility Initiative^

Marks the word WAI as an abbreviation and uses the given explanation.

        ^WAI:Web Accessibility Initiative|language=de^

Marks the word WAI as an foreign language abbreviation (compared to the language default of the wiki and the page)

Please note:


Download and drop it in your wiki's parser directory. By the processing instruction #format abbr at the beginning of a page, you can tell Moin to use the AbbreviationParser instead of the normal parser. You can also set AbbreviationParser as new default parser in by  default_markup= 'abbr' 


MoinMoin: ParserMarket/AbbreviationParser (last edited 2008-01-06 02:35:24 by JohnCarlson)