Idea for page sidebar as part of a theme

See also MultiColumns

One way is to have a multi-column theme. The side bar contents can come from DefaultPageSideBar page, or from PageNameSidebar page. In this option, there is no special markup needed to have a side bar.

The main concept here is to see a complete overview of the page in one place. Usually you don't care about all the details, and like to see a compact representation, with only the most important details. The side bar can give you that overview.

Stuff that can be in a default page sidebar:

editabr contents

edit, show changes, get info, more actions - like its done in rightsidebar:

Options you can't use because you are not logined will lead to a login screen. Option that not all logined users can use will be disabled, or not show up.

Recent changes

The last 5-10 changes to the page, displayed in a compact way:

Each "comment" links leads to the diff of that change, like the "view" link in current page history list. More Changes leads to the full changes list, showing 20-30 recent changes per view.

This replace both "show changes" and "get info". Usually the last change to a page is not enough, and you want to visit few changes. Doing this using the history page is quite hard, you have to go back and forth between the page and the history, select versions to diff and repeat. Instead, you can see here any diff for recent change, with single click, since the changes list will show also on the diff page.

When you are in a diff view, you should have a "revert" link in the top, so you will not have to move back to the history list.

This can be implemented as a macro [[Chagnes(count)]]


Instead of clicking the attachments menu, see a list of the first 5-10 attachments on the page:

One click to download the attachments. Replace the "attachments" action. Can be Implemented as a macro [[Attachments(count)]], similar to the currenet attach list macro.

Attach file

Instead of clicking the attachments menu, and going to the attachment page, then scrolling to the bottom to find the file submit control, simply click on file and then send.

Replace the 'attachments' menu action. Can be implemented as a macro [[AttachFile]].

If you can't attach a file to the page because you are not logined, will lead to a login screen. If not all registered users can attach files, the send option will be disabled, or the whole panel will not show.

Linked Pages

Replace data from page information displayed by action=info&general=1.

Links to pages you can't read because you are not logined should lead to login screen before showing the page. Links to pages not all users can read should be disabled or hidden.

MoinMoin: MultiColumnsTheme (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:03 by localhost)