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it isn't functional at all here 'cause the content type coming from the server is always text/html but for the xul sidebar to work i need that the xul file has content type application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml I tried with the content type on the upload form but...nothing...always sent as text/html

That content-type is not stored, I actually don't know why the field was added at all (note that AttachFile is contributed code). And the way stuff is currently stored, it's simply impossible to remember that content-type.

I see...however here with my local wiki it's perfectly functional because I have setup apache to serve the file directly and I have appended to the apache's mime.types file the correct type... You can't see it working here :( but this sample sidebar can easily be customized to any recent (i mean with RSS feed) MoinMoin wiki installation...try it with your own and report the bugs/ features whishlist here! enjoy!:) With a click you can see all the details about a page change and then load the page, the diff page or the history.

mime is only used to determine the correct extension of the file. It's somewhat confusing. on [get] the mimetype is again guessed from the file itself. Could be fixed by storing an extra file with attachment metadata.

see also MozillaSearchPlugin

MoinMoin: MozillaSideBarPanel (last edited 2007-10-29 19:21:37 by localhost)