1 2011-01-05T00:19:59  <izibi> noch irgendwas?
   2 2011-01-05T00:22:21  <dreimark> nein, bin durch
   3 2011-01-05T00:23:07  <dreimark> gn
   4 2011-01-05T00:23:08  <jacktheripper> stuff like "PageSize". Are these terms I shouldn't translate ?
   5 2011-01-05T00:23:40  <dreimark> jacktheripper: no, this is a page
   6 2011-01-05T00:24:03  <dreimark> if you translate it, the new page must be created too
   7 2011-01-05T00:24:19  <dreimark> if you don't the en one is used
   8 2011-01-05T00:24:56  <dreimark> it makes sense for systempages, if you take a follow up task
   9 2011-01-05T00:25:09  <dreimark> now good night
  10 2011-01-05T00:25:18  <jacktheripper> oh ok, gn :)
  11 2011-01-05T00:28:00  <izibi> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129398637031
  12 2011-01-05T00:28:31  <izibi> dreimark: gn8
  13 2011-01-05T00:31:12  <ThomasWaldmann> gn dreimark
  14 2011-01-05T00:34:39  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: did you make a practical test with your translation?
  15 2011-01-05T00:36:14  <izibi> it compiles and everything besides "FindPage" "HelpContents" and "Discussion" is german
  16 2011-01-05T00:36:22  <izibi> at least what i've seen ;)
  17 2011-01-05T00:36:42  <izibi> but i couldn't test the search for example (searching for {} not implemented yet)
  18 2011-01-05T00:38:21  <ThomasWaldmann> 226 of 226 messages (100%) translated \o/
  19 2011-01-05T00:38:24  <izibi> there's some untranslated string (not marked for translation)
  20 2011-01-05T00:38:38  <jacktheripper> ThomasWaldmann, http://master19.moinmo.in/MoinI18n/ar. I did 66 untranslated and 135 fuzzy.
  21 2011-01-05T00:38:44  <izibi> Foo does not exist. Create it?
  22 2011-01-05T00:39:07  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: oh, my fault :) in nonexistent converter?
  23 2011-01-05T00:39:08  <jacktheripper> Can I have a task for this ?
  24 2011-01-05T00:39:30  <jacktheripper> also, sorry for the many uploads :p
  25 2011-01-05T00:39:35  <izibi> MoinMoin/converter/nonexistent_in.py:        return moin_page.a(attrib=attrib, children=["%s does not exist. Create it?" % item_name])  yes
  26 2011-01-05T00:40:14  <izibi> _("%(item_name)s does not exist. Create it?" item_name=item_name)?
  27 2011-01-05T00:40:29  <izibi> +,
  28 2011-01-05T00:40:49  <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: yes, did you submit already to melange?
  29 2011-01-05T00:40:58  <jacktheripper> the link to the wiki ?
  30 2011-01-05T00:41:00  <jacktheripper> not yet
  31 2011-01-05T00:41:02  <ThomasWaldmann> yes
  32 2011-01-05T00:41:27  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: yes, that needs fixing in 2 ways :)
  33 2011-01-05T00:41:35  <ThomasWaldmann> first, it needs _()
  34 2011-01-05T00:41:52  <ThomasWaldmann> seconds, it must not be %s, but rather %(item_name)s
  35 2011-01-05T00:42:38  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: i guess the rest is fine, do you commit a changeset to your repo then and submit it / url of it to melange?
  36 2011-01-05T00:43:02  <izibi> "%(item_name)s is nicht vorhanden. Erstellen?" or "Möchten sie dieses jetzt erstellen?"?
  37 2011-01-05T00:44:09  <ThomasWaldmann> ... existiert nicht, möchten Sie es jetzt erstellen?
  38 2011-01-05T00:44:20  <jacktheripper> ThomasWaldmann, server error -.-
  39 2011-01-05T00:44:26  <ThomasWaldmann> heh
  40 2011-01-05T00:44:31  <izibi> jacktheripper: go back and retry ;)
  41 2011-01-05T00:44:40  <ThomasWaldmann> they just want to test your patience :)
  42 2011-01-05T00:44:43  <izibi> google's best webapp i've ever seen :D
  43 2011-01-05T00:44:57  <jacktheripper> sshhhh google is awesome
  44 2011-01-05T00:45:01  <jacktheripper> xD
  45 2011-01-05T00:45:43  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: it's free software, if you complain too loud, they'll want your help :D
  46 2011-01-05T00:45:58  <izibi> "There is no help, you're doomed!" is untranslated :D
  47 2011-01-05T00:46:16  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: no need :) just a placeholder for now.
  48 2011-01-05T00:47:09  <ThomasWaldmann> it's in python, btw
  49 2011-01-05T00:49:14  *** grzywacz has quit IRC
  50 2011-01-05T00:49:18  <izibi> submitted
  51 2011-01-05T00:49:21  <izibi> no
  52 2011-01-05T00:49:25  <izibi> 500
  53 2011-01-05T00:49:26  <izibi> :D
  54 2011-01-05T00:49:36  <izibi> again
  55 2011-01-05T00:50:18  <izibi> can't submit. damn it :D
  56 2011-01-05T00:50:40  <jacktheripper> izibi, go back and retry ;)
  57 2011-01-05T00:50:44  <ThomasWaldmann> 500 for me too
  58 2011-01-05T00:51:15  <ThomasWaldmann> they need a funnier 500 page
  59 2011-01-05T00:51:16  <izibi> jacktheripper: did it like 5 times ;)
  60 2011-01-05T00:51:25  <jacktheripper> lol
  61 2011-01-05T00:52:12  <izibi> https://bitbucket.org/izibi/moin-2.0-dev/changeset/dba9fb6d4620
  62 2011-01-05T00:54:07  <ThomasWaldmann> thanks for working on this :)
  63 2011-01-05T00:54:09  <CIA-56> Julian Brost <julian.brost@googlemail.com> default * 10215:dba9fb6d4620 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/ (13 files in 10 dirs): Updated German translation and fixed some msgids.
  64 2011-01-05T00:54:41  <jacktheripper> fixed some msgids ? we can do that ?
  65 2011-01-05T00:54:45  <jacktheripper> I mean. How ?
  66 2011-01-05T00:54:51  <jacktheripper> s/How/Why
  67 2011-01-05T00:54:53  <jacktheripper> lol
  68 2011-01-05T00:54:55  <izibi> change the source code ;)
  69 2011-01-05T00:55:13  <izibi> because if it says page in the msgid but moin2 only has items
  70 2011-01-05T00:55:25  <jacktheripper> oh
  71 2011-01-05T00:55:29  <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: don't do that in 1.9 :)
  72 2011-01-05T00:55:47  <ThomasWaldmann> it's for moin2 and german is the only translation there
  73 2011-01-05T00:56:02  <ThomasWaldmann> just because it is a pain to change msgids if you have 40 translations
  74 2011-01-05T00:56:12  <izibi> so will i do 3 or 6 tasks in total? (a.k.a. will i buy an athlon II or phenom II? :D)
  75 2011-01-05T00:56:36  <ThomasWaldmann> hehe
  76 2011-01-05T00:57:02  <ThomasWaldmann> Athlon II X4 640 is already quite nice :)
  77 2011-01-05T00:57:22  <izibi> full moon or something like that? #melange #500 :D
  78 2011-01-05T00:57:37  <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, tried to close you task, but 500 also
  79 2011-01-05T00:58:50  <izibi> afk. going outside and dancing in the moon light. maybe it helps xD
  80 2011-01-05T00:59:08  <ThomasWaldmann> hehe
  81 2011-01-05T01:08:06  <ThomasWaldmann> maybe we should have an apache dancing rather than izibi :)
  82 2011-01-05T01:08:16  <izibi> :D
  83 2011-01-05T01:09:25  <izibi> btw can someone recommend a good graphics card with 2*dvi?
  84 2011-01-05T01:09:51  <ThomasWaldmann> well, i have an old passive one with that
  85 2011-01-05T01:10:00  <jacktheripper> a ps3
  86 2011-01-05T01:10:02  <ThomasWaldmann> was quite hard to get
  87 2011-01-05T01:10:24  <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: mine does not have 2x dvi :)
  88 2011-01-05T01:10:48  <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: btw, watch the console hacking talk of 27c3, great stuff
  89 2011-01-05T01:10:57  <jacktheripper> already did
  90 2011-01-05T01:11:03  <jacktheripper> awesomeness
  91 2011-01-05T01:11:38  <ThomasWaldmann> #owned :)
  92 2011-01-05T01:12:41  <jacktheripper> yep. Sony's been pretty dumb
  93 2011-01-05T01:13:02  <ThomasWaldmann> and so funny there was already the right xkcd and dilbert for that
  94 2011-01-05T01:13:07  <jacktheripper> http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/random_number.png  the _random_ variable.
  95 2011-01-05T01:13:08  <jacktheripper> yep
  96 2011-01-05T01:13:09  <jacktheripper> xD
  97 2011-01-05T01:13:31  <ThomasWaldmann> the dilbert is also nice (they didn't show it)
  98 2011-01-05T01:14:26  <ThomasWaldmann> http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.random.org/analysis/dilbert.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.random.org/analysis/&h=257&w=680&sz=65&tbnid=nstbI3k78X1MrM:&tbnh=53&tbnw=139&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddilbertrandom%2Bnumber%2Bgenerator&zoom=1&q=dilbertrandom+number+generator&usg=__j9shz7Jnu5kkOBhp1bCcymhjY5I=&sa=X&ei=0LcjTfn1EJGs8QPV4uy4BQ&ved=0CCgQ9QEwAg
  99 2011-01-05T01:14:42  <ThomasWaldmann> http://www.random.org/analysis/dilbert.jpg
 100 2011-01-05T01:15:13  <jacktheripper> hahahaha damn
 101 2011-01-05T01:15:50  <ThomasWaldmann> s/accounting/SONY/
 102 2011-01-05T01:17:20  <izibi> google, please let me submit my work :D
 103 2011-01-05T01:17:49  <jacktheripper> The Google hates you
 104 2011-01-05T01:19:06  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: i have a POST request in my browser closing your task
 105 2011-01-05T01:19:21  <ThomasWaldmann> with url to moin repo :)
 106 2011-01-05T01:19:49  <jacktheripper> we all have pending POST requests :p
 107 2011-01-05T01:20:33  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: btw, SSDs are also nice :)
 108 2011-01-05T01:21:21  <izibi> :D
 109 2011-01-05T01:21:28  <izibi> then i have to do some more tasks :D
 110 2011-01-05T01:21:32  <ThomasWaldmann> esp. if the usual "working set" is small enough to fit into an affordable one
 111 2011-01-05T01:22:31  <izibi> what does an 80gig ssd cost?
 112 2011-01-05T01:23:50  <izibi> 64gig, 95€
 113 2011-01-05T01:23:51  <izibi> hmm
 114 2011-01-05T01:24:01  <izibi> let's see, maybe if i do 4 more tasks :D
 115 2011-01-05T01:24:35  <ThomasWaldmann> http://www.heise.de/preisvergleich/a552286.html
 116 2011-01-05T01:24:58  <ThomasWaldmann> intel x25 and ocz vertex 2 are nice ones
 117 2011-01-05T01:25:50  * ThomasWaldmann has a 64g samsung in his laptop
 118 2011-01-05T01:26:24  <izibi> yeah i know, but they're so exprensive ;)
 119 2011-01-05T01:26:37  <ThomasWaldmann> its cpu is rather weak (c2d ulv 2x1.2GHz), but the ssd helps a lot
 120 2011-01-05T01:27:29  <izibi> let's see... 3.0 or 3.2ghz quad core? :D
 121 2011-01-05T01:28:21  <ThomasWaldmann> we are talking 100 IOPS vs. 50000 IOPS
 122 2011-01-05T01:29:16  <izibi> some PCIe ssd would be epic :D
 123 2011-01-05T01:29:34  <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, esp. if it gets more than power from PCIe :D
 124 2011-01-05T01:29:37  <izibi> and expensive
 125 2011-01-05T01:30:32  <izibi> 80gb, 540mb/s read and write, 264€. actually not that expensive but too expensive for me
 126 2011-01-05T01:31:24  <ThomasWaldmann> i read about some "PCIe" flash disk that just uses power from PCIe and does the rest via SATA. #fail
 127 2011-01-05T01:31:55  <izibi> m(
 128 2011-01-05T01:32:08  <ThomasWaldmann> but the main advantage of ssds don't really need PCIe
 129 2011-01-05T01:32:29  <ThomasWaldmann> it's about access time, not that much about data transfer rate
 130 2011-01-05T01:33:24  <izibi> but you can connect one more sata drive :D
 131 2011-01-05T01:33:46  <jacktheripper> I need to go :( Hate you google!
 132 2011-01-05T01:33:48  <jacktheripper> gn :)
 133 2011-01-05T01:33:58  <izibi> gn jacktheripper
 134 2011-01-05T01:34:34  <ThomasWaldmann> gn jacktheripper
 135 2011-01-05T01:34:35  *** jacktheripper has quit IRC
 136 2011-01-05T01:37:47  <izibi> so let's see, which task will i do next?
 137 2011-01-05T01:38:13  <ThomasWaldmann> GET works? :)
 138 2011-01-05T01:38:52  <izibi> you just can't submit anything
 139 2011-01-05T01:38:57  <izibi> everything else works fine
 140 2011-01-05T01:39:54  <ThomasWaldmann> you need tasks or points?
 141 2011-01-05T01:40:12  <izibi> tasks
 142 2011-01-05T01:40:39  <izibi> you only need points for the top 10, right?
 143 2011-01-05T01:41:24  <ThomasWaldmann> no idea :)
 144 2011-01-05T01:41:38  <ThomasWaldmann> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129270131230
 145 2011-01-05T01:42:02  <ThomasWaldmann> the student vanished somehow and ran into deadline
 146 2011-01-05T01:42:33  <ThomasWaldmann> i hoped he reappears, but if he does not, that is low hanging fruit
 147 2011-01-05T01:44:13  <izibi> let's see, actually i have never used the logging module :D
 148 2011-01-05T01:45:21  <ThomasWaldmann> the difficult stuff has already been solved
 149 2011-01-05T01:45:42  <ThomasWaldmann> and in fact, most of this task has been done
 150 2011-01-05T01:46:21  <ThomasWaldmann> so i would at least have an eye on it :)
 151 2011-01-05T01:46:37  <izibi> hehe :D
 152 2011-01-05T01:47:23  <ThomasWaldmann> the fix html5 (at least the known part) is also easy
 153 2011-01-05T01:47:51  <ThomasWaldmann> a bit work though, validator feeding
 154 2011-01-05T01:50:34  * ThomasWaldmann watches omg wtf pdf now :)
 155 2011-01-05T01:51:12  <izibi> pdf, the new flash :D
 156 2011-01-05T01:52:26  <izibi> the calendar macro task looks interesting
 157 2011-01-05T01:53:23  <ThomasWaldmann> interesting, but quite some work
 158 2011-01-05T01:53:42  <izibi> i'm currently reading what the one in moin 1.9 can do
 159 2011-01-05T01:57:08  <izibi> "Calendar of the month two months after December, 2001 (maybe doesn't make much sense, but is possible)" :D
 160 2011-01-05T01:57:56  <ThomasWaldmann> the offsets stuff makes much sense when used from current month
 161 2011-01-05T01:59:24  <izibi> is there some page where the macro acutally is in use?
 162 2011-01-05T02:00:01  <ThomasWaldmann> http://linuxwiki.de/LugLudwigsburg/Treffen
 163 2011-01-05T02:02:34  <izibi> let's see, maybe as the last task if i have time
 164 2011-01-05T02:02:39  <izibi> or after the gci
 165 2011-01-05T02:03:50  <izibi> let's take a look at the timing task
 166 2011-01-05T02:07:50  <izibi> and what's missing in the work that was already done?
 167 2011-01-05T02:08:28  <ThomasWaldmann> don't remember exactly, but it was not much iirc
 168 2011-01-05T02:08:35  <izibi> looks like you can start and stop a timer and when it gets stopped, it's also logged
 169 2011-01-05T02:08:40  <ThomasWaldmann> see comments in melange
 170 2011-01-05T02:09:37  <izibi> ah, i see
 171 2011-01-05T02:10:05  <izibi> "please try to finish in time, so we can publish the footer reorg task that should be done after your work." yeah, right :D
 172 2011-01-05T02:10:34  <izibi> that should be no problem ;)
 173 2011-01-05T02:13:53  <izibi> shall the time be accessible after stopping a clock? at the moment it's not
 174 2011-01-05T02:14:18  <ThomasWaldmann> it will be in the log
 175 2011-01-05T02:14:40  <izibi> yeah, but maybe you want to access it in the source
 176 2011-01-05T02:15:48  <ThomasWaldmann> hm, maybe. no real usecase right now. we won't keep the show_timing stuff.
 177 2011-01-05T02:16:24  <izibi> i'll just make it accessible while the request is being processed. that's no big issue ;)
 178 2011-01-05T02:18:08  <izibi> name = timer
 179 2011-01-05T02:18:11  <izibi> wtf? sense?
 180 2011-01-05T02:18:18  <ThomasWaldmann> None :)
 181 2011-01-05T02:19:59  <izibi> min python version for moin2 is 2.6, right? so i can use ... if ... else ...
 182 2011-01-05T02:21:02  <ThomasWaldmann> 2.6 yes
 183 2011-01-05T02:22:24  <izibi> should i also consider things like someone tries to start a time that was started before?
 184 2011-01-05T02:26:10  <ThomasWaldmann> maybe we have to consider that, and also starting a started one again
 185 2011-01-05T02:26:19  <ThomasWaldmann> could happen by recursion for example
 186 2011-01-05T02:26:29  <ThomasWaldmann> iirc the old code tried to deal with that
 187 2011-01-05T02:26:58  <ThomasWaldmann> that doesn't mean the new code should be as complicated as the old one :)
 188 2011-01-05T02:28:28  <izibi> i try to keep it simple ;)
 189 2011-01-05T02:43:56  <izibi> does a ssd speed up moin2 startup time? xD
 190 2011-01-05T02:44:30  <ThomasWaldmann> how much time is it for you? start to first request succeeding?
 191 2011-01-05T02:50:42  <izibi> 1:50 min
 192 2011-01-05T02:51:20  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:26,538 INFO MoinMoin.util.clock:34 timer init = 0.00781798362732
 193 2011-01-05T02:51:24  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:26,539 INFO MoinMoin.signalling.log:18 item None:Home displayed
 194 2011-01-05T02:51:27  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:26,854 INFO MoinMoin.util.clock:34 timer conv_in_dom = 0.00589299201965
 195 2011-01-05T02:51:31  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:26,854 INFO MoinMoin.util.clock:34 timer conv_include = 0.000212907791138
 196 2011-01-05T02:51:34  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:26,855 INFO MoinMoin.util.clock:34 timer conv_macro = 0.000727891921997
 197 2011-01-05T02:51:38  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:26,857 INFO MoinMoin.util.clock:34 timer conv_dom_html = 0.00118494033813
 198 2011-01-05T02:51:41  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:26,857 INFO MoinMoin.util.clock:34 timer conv_serialize = 0.000509977340698
 199 2011-01-05T02:51:45  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:27,178 INFO MoinMoin.util.clock:34 timer render_template = 0.320286035538
 200 2011-01-05T02:51:48  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:27,178 INFO MoinMoin.util.clock:34 timer total = 0.648501873016
 201 2011-01-05T02:51:52  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:27,179 INFO werkzeug:116 "GET /Home HTTP/1.1" 200 -
 202 2011-01-05T02:51:54  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:27,355 INFO MoinMoin.util.clock:34 timer init = 0.00217413902283
 203 2011-01-05T02:51:58  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:27,358 INFO MoinMoin.util.clock:34 timer total = 0.00512981414795
 204 2011-01-05T02:52:01  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:27,358 INFO werkzeug:116 "GET /_themes/modernized/css/common.css HTTP/1.1" 304 -
 205 2011-01-05T02:52:05  <izibi> 2011-01-05 02:50:27,363 WARNING MoinMoin.util.clock:54 These timers have not been stopped: test
 206 2011-01-05T02:52:08  <izibi> looks good :)
 207 2011-01-05T02:53:03  <ThomasWaldmann> 20s
 208 2011-01-05T02:53:41  <ThomasWaldmann> with load_xml = None
 209 2011-01-05T02:53:57  <izibi> let's move it to /dev/shm :D
 210 2011-01-05T02:54:33  <ThomasWaldmann> u
 211 2011-01-05T02:55:08  <ThomasWaldmann> maybe round to 0.1ms
 212 2011-01-05T02:55:26  <ThomasWaldmann> or 0.01
 213 2011-01-05T02:56:06  <izibi> currently it's displayed in seconds. shall i change it to milliseconds?
 214 2011-01-05T02:56:20  <ThomasWaldmann> would make sense i think
 215 2011-01-05T02:57:06  <ThomasWaldmann> can you try to render an items that transcludes 2 others?
 216 2011-01-05T02:57:23  <izibi> 5 seconds from ram :D
 217 2011-01-05T02:57:50  <ThomasWaldmann> did you put all into ram or only storage?
 218 2011-01-05T02:58:15  <izibi> whole working dir
 219 2011-01-05T02:58:43  <ThomasWaldmann> bad for your changesets in case of power outage
 220 2011-01-05T02:59:30  <izibi> laptop :)
 221 2011-01-05T02:59:36  <izibi> built-in usv x3
 222 2011-01-05T02:59:38  <izibi> *<3
 223 2011-01-05T02:59:50  <ThomasWaldmann> or os crash :)
 224 2011-01-05T03:00:10  <izibi> i'm using linux :P
 225 2011-01-05T03:00:34  <ThomasWaldmann> :)
 226 2011-01-05T03:00:51  <izibi> storage = wiki/data/?
 227 2011-01-05T03:01:17  <ThomasWaldmann> you can configure it quite freely in wikiconfig_local.py
 228 2011-01-05T03:01:32  <izibi> ln -s FTW :D
 229 2011-01-05T03:03:16  <izibi> maybe user debug() instead of info()?
 230 2011-01-05T03:04:57  <izibi> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/314997/ woops, i didn't expect that :D
 231 2011-01-05T03:05:03  <ThomasWaldmann> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/314998/
 232 2011-01-05T03:05:21  <izibi> oh, timer*1000
 233 2011-01-05T03:05:28  <ThomasWaldmann> you need to adjust pathes and usernames
 234 2011-01-05T03:06:00  <ThomasWaldmann> hehe
 235 2011-01-05T03:06:33  <izibi> now i understand why he used name = timer :D
 236 2011-01-05T03:07:27  <izibi> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/314999/ works for me :)
 237 2011-01-05T03:07:33  <ThomasWaldmann> there is also a memory storage backend btw
 238 2011-01-05T03:08:23  <ThomasWaldmann> maybe %.2f or so
 239 2011-01-05T03:09:25  <izibi> < ThomasWaldmann> can you try to render an items that transcludes 2 others? <-- ?
 240 2011-01-05T03:10:20  <ThomasWaldmann> create an item foo, moin wiki type
 241 2011-01-05T03:10:35  <ThomasWaldmann> {{bar}} {{baz}}
 242 2011-01-05T03:10:44  <ThomasWaldmann> create bar and baz also
 243 2011-01-05T03:10:57  <ThomasWaldmann> then render foo and check your timers
 244 2011-01-05T03:12:36  <izibi> the first start('foo') call will start the timer foo and the first stop('foo') call will stop it
 245 2011-01-05T03:12:56  <ThomasWaldmann> maybe we could count how often a timer was started and stopped
 246 2011-01-05T03:13:27  <ThomasWaldmann> so we could just sum up in the timer value, but still know it was used multiple times
 247 2011-01-05T03:14:10  <izibi> use a stack of timers for every name?
 248 2011-01-05T03:14:17  <ThomasWaldmann> and then print conv_in_dom(3) = 123ms
 249 2011-01-05T03:14:55  <izibi> for example
 250 2011-01-05T03:15:14  <ThomasWaldmann> or that. not sure whether we really need it.
 251 2011-01-05T03:19:52  <ThomasWaldmann> can you pastebin a new example output?
 252 2011-01-05T03:20:05  <ThomasWaldmann> maybe 2nd request, not 1st
 253 2011-01-05T03:21:37  <izibi> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315002/
 254 2011-01-05T03:22:51  <ThomasWaldmann> looks quite good as is
 255 2011-01-05T03:25:12  <ThomasWaldmann> why is sum > total?
 256 2011-01-05T03:26:23  <izibi> because conv_in_dom is always the same timer just stopped at different points
 257 2011-01-05T03:27:12  <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, if stop would reset it to 0...
 258 2011-01-05T03:30:19  <izibi> how does the parser work? recursive?
 259 2011-01-05T03:33:24  <izibi> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315005/
 260 2011-01-05T03:36:38  <izibi> works for me ;)
 261 2011-01-05T03:38:58  <izibi> diff: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315006/
 262 2011-01-05T03:43:29  <izibi> so if melange would work again...
 263 2011-01-05T03:46:08  <izibi> next task? :D
 264 2011-01-05T03:46:57  *** gh_ju1 has quit IRC
 265 2011-01-05T03:51:09  <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: is this ok? shall i commit it?
 266 2011-01-05T05:31:35  *** kursor has joined #moin-dev
 267 2011-01-05T05:35:29  *** izibi has quit IRC
 268 2011-01-05T07:33:52  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: for me 1 second
 269 2011-01-05T07:36:44  <dreimark> or below
 270 2011-01-05T08:03:59  <dreimark> bbl
 271 2011-01-05T08:13:53  *** kursor has quit IRC
 272 2011-01-05T08:22:30  *** gwork has joined #moin-dev
 273 2011-01-05T10:50:32  *** rfw has quit IRC
 274 2011-01-05T11:16:55  *** greg_f has joined #moin-dev
 275 2011-01-05T12:43:22  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: wow, 1s is really fast. it answers requests after 1s?
 276 2011-01-05T13:33:56  *** m4k3r has joined #moin-dev
 277 2011-01-05T13:36:44  *** Samm has joined #moin-dev
 278 2011-01-05T13:46:29  *** izibi has joined #moin-dev
 279 2011-01-05T13:46:38  <izibi> moin
 280 2011-01-05T13:47:53  <izibi> let's see if melange works again... :D
 281 2011-01-05T13:49:07  <izibi> nope...
 282 2011-01-05T13:51:46  <ThomasWaldmann> moin izibi
 283 2011-01-05T13:51:50  <ThomasWaldmann> nice timer stuff
 284 2011-01-05T13:53:35  <izibi> thanks. commit it?
 285 2011-01-05T13:54:28  *** pvinogradov has joined #moin-dev
 286 2011-01-05T13:54:31  <ThomasWaldmann> i didn't try it, but it at least looks good :) maybe some docstring in timer class?
 287 2011-01-05T13:55:34  <izibi> oh right
 288 2011-01-05T14:06:30  <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315253/
 289 2011-01-05T14:11:48  *** gh_ju has joined #moin-dev
 290 2011-01-05T14:12:05  <izibi> melange seems to work again :)
 291 2011-01-05T14:13:31  <ThomasWaldmann> \o/
 292 2011-01-05T14:14:49  <ThomasWaldmann> it still accepted my OLD post request :)
 293 2011-01-05T14:16:50  <izibi> claimed the timer task ;)
 294 2011-01-05T14:17:42  <pvinogradov> Hi, all
 295 2011-01-05T14:18:10  <izibi> moin pvinogradov
 296 2011-01-05T14:18:25  <pvinogradov> i'm want to talk about oauth auth for moin2 task
 297 2011-01-05T14:19:02  <pvinogradov> ThomasWaldmann: who is main person for this task from moin?
 298 2011-01-05T14:27:42  <ThomasWaldmann> pvinogradov: you can ask anyone here
 299 2011-01-05T14:27:48  * ThomasWaldmann will leave soon, though
 300 2011-01-05T14:28:42  <izibi> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129270131230 please accept :)
 301 2011-01-05T14:28:48  <ThomasWaldmann> you could even talk to fellow students, who did auth stuff, btw
 302 2011-01-05T14:30:46  <pvinogradov> I'm read documentation about oauth and confused now. oauth user to authorization for servicesm, but according to my task i need implement user auth with oauth.
 303 2011-01-05T14:31:13  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: done
 304 2011-01-05T14:31:29  <izibi> thx
 305 2011-01-05T14:31:31  <pvinogradov> i think outh will usefull for implement authorization for external service, which can make changes in wiki on behalf of some user
 306 2011-01-05T14:31:33  <ThomasWaldmann> pvinogradov: can't it be used for BOTH?
 307 2011-01-05T14:32:31  <ThomasWaldmann> we don't want external services right now, except authentication. oauth needs to say "yes, this is username XY"
 308 2011-01-05T14:33:11  <ThomasWaldmann> brb
 309 2011-01-05T14:34:15  *** m4k3r has quit IRC
 310 2011-01-05T14:35:27  <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: https://bitbucket.org/izibi/moin-2.0-dev/changeset/8e2a05dce5fa
 311 2011-01-05T14:35:42  *** m4k3r has joined #moin-dev
 312 2011-01-05T14:40:03  *** jacktheripper has joined #moin-dev
 313 2011-01-05T14:40:51  *** m4k3r has quit IRC
 314 2011-01-05T14:42:44  <jacktheripper> ThomasWaldmann, hey!
 315 2011-01-05T14:42:47  <jacktheripper> finally worked: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129406592226
 316 2011-01-05T14:46:29  *** m4k3r has joined #moin-dev
 317 2011-01-05T14:47:28  <CIA-56> Julian Brost <julian.brost@googlemail.com> default * 10216:8e2a05dce5fa 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 5 dirs): Reimplemented timings display using logging and simplified code.
 318 2011-01-05T14:48:32  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: submit something to melange
 319 2011-01-05T14:48:42  <ThomasWaldmann> hi jacktheripper
 320 2011-01-05T14:50:02  <izibi> Link to Work Submitted: https://bitbucket.org/izibi/moin-2.0-dev/changeset/8e2a05dce5fa
 321 2011-01-05T14:50:22  <izibi> but why does the patch file show up there? didn't upload that oO
 322 2011-01-05T14:51:54  <ThomasWaldmann> jacktheripper: closed.
 323 2011-01-05T14:51:59  <jacktheripper> thanks
 324 2011-01-05T14:52:18  <ThomasWaldmann> more work with a new task is welcome :)
 325 2011-01-05T14:52:54  <jacktheripper> planning on continuing :)
 326 2011-01-05T14:53:33  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: closed. the patch is due to melange, i guess, leftover from roboraider.
 327 2011-01-05T14:53:46  <ThomasWaldmann> ok, really need to go now. bbl.
 328 2011-01-05T14:54:10  <jacktheripper> bye
 329 2011-01-05T14:54:26  <pvinogradov> ThomasWaldmann: seems like oauth does not designed to say: "yes, this is username XY"
 330 2011-01-05T15:17:25  * dreimark is waiting for the logging to get better results
 331 2011-01-05T15:17:39  <dreimark> but for now that is the time i have to do the first request
 332 2011-01-05T15:17:47  <dreimark> +wait
 333 2011-01-05T15:35:12  *** NikitaUtiu has joined #moin-dev
 334 2011-01-05T16:07:13  *** kursor has joined #moin-dev
 335 2011-01-05T16:40:59  <ThomasWaldmann> pvinogradov: Twitter supports two authorization urls: /authenticate and /authorize. The difference is the user interface shown to the user on twitter. /authenticate should be used if the intent of OAuth is to use the twitter identity of the user to sign in to your own website, the /authorize endpoint should be used to just access the twitter API and not using the user profile on your own website.
 336 2011-01-05T16:41:07  <ThomasWaldmann> from flask-oauth docs
 337 2011-01-05T16:41:25  <ThomasWaldmann> sounds to me like we could reuse twitter auth?
 338 2011-01-05T16:53:28  *** gwork has quit IRC
 339 2011-01-05T16:57:03  <ThomasWaldmann> pvinogradov: http://packages.python.org/Flask-OAuth/ did you read that page?
 340 2011-01-05T17:11:06  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: you have it
 341 2011-01-05T17:12:08  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: btw, the task says to manually check views. if you can find out a more lazy method, like automating this, that would be even greater. :)
 342 2011-01-05T17:24:24  <NikitaUtiu> moin
 343 2011-01-05T17:24:32  <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: you can write a browser plugin :D
 344 2011-01-05T17:25:15  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: i was rather thinking about py.test and some validator that support automated querying
 345 2011-01-05T17:26:51  <dreimark> izibi: https://coconuts.icg.kfa-juelich.de/hg/coconuts-0.4/file/3bb7d4495cb0/support/webkit2png.py
 346 2011-01-05T17:27:17  <dreimark> you can borrow something from here if you want a browser
 347 2011-01-05T17:27:39  <dreimark> but a validator with automated querying is better
 348 2011-01-05T17:29:33  <NikitaUtiu> ThomasWaldmann: should i commit the changes we've made yesterday
 349 2011-01-05T17:29:34  <NikitaUtiu> ?
 350 2011-01-05T17:30:55  <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: can you give me a url to look at?
 351 2011-01-05T17:31:28  <ThomasWaldmann> (sorry, but too many context swichtes since then)
 352 2011-01-05T17:31:36  <NikitaUtiu> ah, ok
 353 2011-01-05T17:31:56  <NikitaUtiu> just lemme make another diff
 354 2011-01-05T17:32:41  <izibi> what the.... the w3.org validator is written in java?
 355 2011-01-05T17:33:34  <NikitaUtiu> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315384/
 356 2011-01-05T17:34:49  <NikitaUtiu> cause after i commit this i've found a way to get a direct redirect for the openid login, no ugly redirect form
 357 2011-01-05T17:39:36  * ThomasWaldmann looks
 358 2011-01-05T17:41:26  <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: do you think we need those validateMoin/OpenID methods. It might be even simpler inlining that stuff.
 359 2011-01-05T17:42:03  <NikitaUtiu> i think so
 360 2011-01-05T17:43:02  <NikitaUtiu> there's no need for one-line functions
 361 2011-01-05T17:50:16  <ThomasWaldmann> snippet still missing?
 362 2011-01-05T17:56:52  <NikitaUtiu> yep, not yet
 363 2011-01-05T17:57:07  <NikitaUtiu> but what should i do more exactly
 364 2011-01-05T17:57:09  <NikitaUtiu> ?
 365 2011-01-05T17:58:04  <pvinogradov> ThomasWaldmann: And again about oauth
 366 2011-01-05T17:58:14  <NikitaUtiu> i mean where should i write the snippet ?
 367 2011-01-05T17:58:26  <izibi> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315393/ works for me :D
 368 2011-01-05T17:58:28  <pvinogradov> I'm read again about flask-oauth, twitter and oauth
 369 2011-01-05T17:58:57  <izibi> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315394/ source
 370 2011-01-05T17:59:14  <pvinogradov> Oauth: An open protocol to allow secure API authorization  in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.
 371 2011-01-05T18:00:02  <pvinogradov> it covers only authorization, not Authentication. And designed to use in application
 372 2011-01-05T18:00:17  <pvinogradov> twitter don't support user Authentication with oauth
 373 2011-01-05T18:00:52  <NikitaUtiu> ThomasWaldmann:  and w/o the snippet, is this code commitable ?
 374 2011-01-05T18:01:26  <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: put anything an admin needs into a snippet, so one who didn't write that code gets it working quickly
 375 2011-01-05T18:02:26  <ThomasWaldmann> docs/examples/config/snippets/
 376 2011-01-05T18:03:07  *** greg_f has quit IRC
 377 2011-01-05T18:03:08  <ThomasWaldmann> pvinogradov: so, what I quoted from flask-oauth is not true?
 378 2011-01-05T18:03:36  <ThomasWaldmann>  /authenticate should be used if the intent of OAuth is to use the twitter identity of the user
 379 2011-01-05T18:03:39  <ThomasWaldmann>                      to sign in to your own website
 380 2011-01-05T18:03:47  <ThomasWaldmann> isn't that exactly what we want?
 381 2011-01-05T18:05:35  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: maybe they do have a less dirty way?
 382 2011-01-05T18:05:56  <izibi> i don't know but it works :D (don't ask how long)
 383 2011-01-05T18:06:17  <ThomasWaldmann> google? :)
 384 2011-01-05T18:06:24  <izibi> http://validator.w3.org/docs/api.html damn :D
 385 2011-01-05T18:06:49  <pvinogradov> ThomasWaldmann:  no, but i can't explain it now
 386 2011-01-05T18:07:26  <pvinogradov> i'm going to dig more deeply
 387 2011-01-05T18:07:35  <izibi> Every validation result is served via the HTTP protocol, with custom headers giving a simple, quick way to get validation results without having to parse the results body. This is a simple (but poorer) alternative to using the full API described above.
 388 2011-01-05T18:07:39  <izibi> yeah :D
 389 2011-01-05T18:15:46  *** greg_f has joined #moin-dev
 390 2011-01-05T18:17:07  *** NikitaUtiu has quit IRC
 391 2011-01-05T18:17:52  *** NikitaUtiu has joined #moin-dev
 392 2011-01-05T18:19:07  <NikitaUtiu> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315402/ kinda like this ?
 393 2011-01-05T18:20:11  <pvinogradov> ThomasWaldmann: I found more detailed description of twitter /authenticate url. This is called Sign In with twitter
 394 2011-01-05T18:20:17  <pvinogradov> http://dev.twitter.com/pages/sign_in_with_twitter
 395 2011-01-05T18:21:19  <pvinogradov> but this is not user authentication, this is service authentication again
 396 2011-01-05T18:22:16  <pvinogradov> this url allow some web application get access to user twitter and made action on user behalf
 397 2011-01-05T18:22:19  <ThomasWaldmann> pvinogradov: maybe one of us misunderstands it :)
 398 2011-01-05T18:22:56  <ThomasWaldmann> web app = moin
 399 2011-01-05T18:23:02  *** gh_ju has quit IRC
 400 2011-01-05T18:23:27  <pvinogradov> maybe:) it's hard to me explain this:)
 401 2011-01-05T18:24:10  <ThomasWaldmann> can't you check whether oauth_token / oauth_verifier means that the user is valid for twitter?
 402 2011-01-05T18:28:21  <pvinogradov> ThomasWaldmann:  i don't understand your last phrase
 403 2011-01-05T18:29:18  <ThomasWaldmann> pvinogradov: in that flow diagram on the page you found, that is one of the final steps in case of successful auth
 404 2011-01-05T18:30:25  <pvinogradov> now understand
 405 2011-01-05T18:30:55  <pvinogradov> yes, oauth_token and oauth_verifier means that user is valid for twitter
 406 2011-01-05T18:31:23  <pvinogradov> but this ouath_token is designed to allow remote site acess to twitter on user behalf
 407 2011-01-05T18:31:41  <pvinogradov> not to auth user
 408 2011-01-05T18:33:01  <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/2.0-dev/file/8e2a05dce5fa/docs/examples/config/snippets
 409 2011-01-05T18:33:12  <pvinogradov> it is like OpenId at this step
 410 2011-01-05T18:33:18  <dreimark> that's the location for snippets
 411 2011-01-05T18:34:13  <NikitaUtiu> dreimark: yeah, i know that, i was wondering if it was ok
 412 2011-01-05T18:34:14  <dreimark> i think you can add your example to auth_wikiconfig_snippet
 413 2011-01-05T18:34:36  <pvinogradov> but OpenId respond used to authenticate user, whe oauth respond used to allow remote site access (for example twitter) on befal of user.
 414 2011-01-05T18:37:30  <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: if you add it in that file make it similiar
 415 2011-01-05T18:37:57  <dreimark> auth = ...
 416 2011-01-05T18:43:19  <NikitaUtiu> ok then i shall push the to my repo
 417 2011-01-05T18:47:33  * ThomasWaldmann needs to go soon, sorry :|
 418 2011-01-05T18:50:28  <pvinogradov> ThomasWaldmann: can i provide any additional information about oauth?
 419 2011-01-05T18:52:19  *** kursor has quit IRC
 420 2011-01-05T18:54:00  <ThomasWaldmann> pvinogradov: maybe you have read more about oauth than me :)
 421 2011-01-05T18:54:54  <pvinogradov> ok, i try to write some prototype and play with it
 422 2011-01-05T18:55:54  *** pvinogradov is now known as pvinogradov_
 423 2011-01-05T19:02:10  <NikitaUtiu> i just want to improve the aspect of the login view and i think i'm pretty much done
 424 2011-01-05T19:06:36  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: can you try NikitaUtiu stuff?
 425 2011-01-05T19:06:54  <NikitaUtiu> hm?
 426 2011-01-05T19:06:59  <NikitaUtiu> srry
 427 2011-01-05T19:10:18  <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: your snippet doesn't show how to configure openid auth
 428 2011-01-05T19:10:49  <NikitaUtiu> what do you mean?
 429 2011-01-05T19:10:54  <ThomasWaldmann> or is there no configuration needed?
 430 2011-01-05T19:11:16  <ThomasWaldmann> maybe some sites only want to trust specific openid providers, not everyone?
 431 2011-01-05T19:11:40  <NikitaUtiu> i haven't implemented that
 432 2011-01-05T19:16:57  <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: can be done later. first we need to have the basics in a good state.
 433 2011-01-05T19:17:02  * ThomasWaldmann bbl
 434 2011-01-05T19:22:41  *** grzywacz has joined #moin-dev
 435 2011-01-05T19:27:11  *** gh_ju has joined #moin-dev
 436 2011-01-05T19:38:19  *** greg_f has quit IRC
 437 2011-01-05T19:43:04  <NikitaUtiu> i've done some tweaking to it, the basics work smooth now  https://bitbucket.org/NikitaUtiu/moin-2.0-dev
 438 2011-01-05T19:52:36  *** achshar has joined #moin-dev
 439 2011-01-05T20:00:55  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: yes
 440 2011-01-05T20:02:06  <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: hello! {{example.png|Alt text}} is this suppose to work as it appear to be? will the alt text show up??
 441 2011-01-05T20:02:51  <dreimark> achshar: on mouse over ?
 442 2011-01-05T20:03:01  <achshar> nai that's title
 443 2011-01-05T20:03:11  <achshar> na*
 444 2011-01-05T20:04:11  <achshar> if i put the code in moin to and the image does not exist.. what should sho up? the alt text or example.png does not exist. Create it?
 445 2011-01-05T20:04:23  <achshar> moin 2 immean
 446 2011-01-05T20:05:31  <achshar> 'example.png does not exist. Create it?' this is what currently shows up.. so is it broken ? should the alt text be shown instead?
 447 2011-01-05T20:06:15  <dreimark> achshar: the example.png
 448 2011-01-05T20:06:20  <dreimark> create it
 449 2011-01-05T20:06:43  <dreimark> the alt text should be shown at least if images are disabled
 450 2011-01-05T20:06:51  <dreimark> or on a braille reader
 451 2011-01-05T20:07:20  <achshar> or if the image is not found or has not been loaded yet..  atleast thats the html behaviour
 452 2011-01-05T20:08:50  <dreimark> you found a bug
 453 2011-01-05T20:09:02  <achshar> it correctly Transcludes the contents of example.png (in this case it does no exist).. the question here is is the above markup valid/supported?
 454 2011-01-05T20:09:14  <achshar> yeah looks so..
 455 2011-01-05T20:09:55  <NikitaUtiu> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315453/  https://bitbucket.org/NikitaUtiu/moin-2.0-dev
 456 2011-01-05T20:10:21  <NikitaUtiu> could somebody check them one last time? i may be busy in the next couple of days
 457 2011-01-05T20:11:22  <achshar> the point is that for images there is another option available, to check if alt text has been set (if yes then show it instead), in case the object does not exist :)
 458 2011-01-05T20:11:54  <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: the pastebin is the same as the repo?
 459 2011-01-05T20:12:08  <NikitaUtiu> it's an overall diff
 460 2011-01-05T20:12:17  <dreimark> achshar: look at the html source, it is not there i guess
 461 2011-01-05T20:12:24  <dreimark> first it must be there
 462 2011-01-05T20:13:08  <achshar> which html source? the right click view source of moin markup help page..?
 463 2011-01-05T20:13:23  <achshar> the right click view source or the moin markup help page..?
 464 2011-01-05T20:13:36  <dreimark> your browsers source of that example?
 465 2011-01-05T20:13:53  <achshar> hmm no it isnt there..
 466 2011-01-05T20:14:14  <dreimark> so that is the real bug
 467 2011-01-05T20:14:58  <NikitaUtiu> htg
 468 2011-01-05T20:15:00  <NikitaUtiu> bye
 469 2011-01-05T20:15:16  <achshar> it makes sense.. first python checks if file exists.. if no then it shows some other html.. which will not contain the image html
 470 2011-01-05T20:15:40  <achshar> i have one question..
 471 2011-01-05T20:16:21  <achshar> {{example.png|Alt text}} is this evenn a supported syntax..? i cannot fnd it on the 1.9 or 2.0 help page..
 472 2011-01-05T20:18:42  <achshar> dreimark: so is it?
 473 2011-01-05T20:19:17  *** NikitaUtiu has quit IRC
 474 2011-01-05T20:20:46  <dreimark> waldi: can you help with the synax example
 475 2011-01-05T20:21:43  <dreimark> NikitaUtiu it did not work with launchpad, how did you tested?
 476 2011-01-05T20:30:32  *** rfw has joined #moin-dev
 477 2011-01-05T20:30:32  *** rfw has joined #moin-dev
 478 2011-01-05T20:36:40  <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: for smilies.. should i show the actual smiley in an external link or an internal link? if intenal, then where are they located in moin2?
 479 2011-01-05T20:36:59  <achshar> Smileys*
 480 2011-01-05T20:40:11  <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: for now, only show markup
 481 2011-01-05T20:40:27  <achshar> kzz :)
 482 2011-01-05T20:45:02  <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: should i make space for the images and leave them blank or do they dont have to be there at all?
 483 2011-01-05T20:45:55  <izibi> where shall i add tests to validate the html output? (didn't work with py.test before)
 484 2011-01-05T20:45:56  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315461/
 485 2011-01-05T20:46:19  <dreimark> can it work with a localhost wiki?
 486 2011-01-05T20:47:05  *** doodle has joined #moin-dev
 487 2011-01-05T20:47:31  *** doodle is now known as Guest64162
 488 2011-01-05T20:49:23  *** opengl has joined #moin-dev
 489 2011-01-05T20:50:32  <opengl> moinBot`: seen Franko?
 490 2011-01-05T20:50:32  <moinBot`> opengl: I have not seen Franko?.
 491 2011-01-05T20:51:29  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: translation task
 492 2011-01-05T20:51:30  <opengl> moinBot`: seen franko
 493 2011-01-05T20:51:30  <moinBot`> opengl: I have not seen franko.
 494 2011-01-05T20:51:57  <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: leave the images/space for them away for now
 495 2011-01-05T20:52:29  <achshar> :)
 496 2011-01-05T20:52:32  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: apps/frontend/_tests/...
 497 2011-01-05T20:54:09  <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: add it to test_frontend.py or create a new file?
 498 2011-01-05T20:58:25  <ThomasWaldmann> your choice
 499 2011-01-05T21:01:57  <izibi> how does py.test work? just add a class with some methods and assert statements?
 500 2011-01-05T21:02:16  <ThomasWaldmann> you have lots of examples :)
 501 2011-01-05T21:02:24  <ThomasWaldmann> but yes :)
 502 2011-01-05T21:02:41  <ThomasWaldmann> in the toplevel dir is a pytest, just call it ./pytest
 503 2011-01-05T21:03:20  *** opengl has quit IRC
 504 2011-01-05T21:05:58  <dreimark> izibi: ./pytest from top level dir
 505 2011-01-05T21:06:05  <dreimark> hehe
 506 2011-01-05T21:06:30  <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315487/
 507 2011-01-05T21:08:55  <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: anything specific? for a global/final review ask me later or ask dreimark or some other mentor who is not at a lug meeting
 508 2011-01-05T21:09:20  <achshar> no think i am done :)
 509 2011-01-05T21:10:16  <achshar> dreimark: do you have some time?
 510 2011-01-05T21:10:36  <dreimark> achshar: line 94
 511 2011-01-05T21:11:01  <dreimark> the ==.. don't go over the whole line
 512 2011-01-05T21:11:03  <achshar> oops..! done :)]
 513 2011-01-05T21:11:51  <dreimark> you should add on top a bit more
 514 2011-01-05T21:12:06  <dreimark> The report follows moin 1.9 help page and reports syntaxes that do not verify 1.9 help syntax documentation.
 515 2011-01-05T21:12:32  <achshar> hmm okie..
 516 2011-01-05T21:13:26  <achshar> should i submit in melange for review of over here is cool?
 517 2011-01-05T21:14:04  <dreimark> is there no Underline in rest?
 518 2011-01-05T21:15:09  <dreimark> http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html
 519 2011-01-05T21:15:11  <dreimark> it is
 520 2011-01-05T21:15:16  <achshar> no i couldnt find it on the syntax page
 521 2011-01-05T21:15:34  <dreimark> anonymous__
 522 2011-01-05T21:15:46  <achshar> oh i was looking at http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html
 523 2011-01-05T21:18:54  <achshar> where on that page exactly? anonymous__ is target anchor..
 524 2011-01-05T21:19:39  <izibi> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/2.0-dev/file/8e2a05dce5fa/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py where's self.app set in TestFrontend? oO
 525 2011-01-05T21:20:39  <dreimark> achshar: this is the syntax and search for underline
 526 2011-01-05T21:23:00  <dreimark> achshar: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/rest.html
 527 2011-01-05T21:23:12  <dreimark> for subscript and superscript
 528 2011-01-05T21:23:49  <m4k3r> Gh. The bloody OpenID task.
 529 2011-01-05T21:23:53  <achshar> dreimark: hmm kzz got it :)
 530 2011-01-05T21:24:28  <achshar> dreimark: 'this is the syntax and search for underline' sorry i didnt get what you said :((
 531 2011-01-05T21:29:15  <achshar> dreimark: these are implementations by sphinx.. right?? they dont work here http://www.tele3.cz/jbar/rest/rest.html which is lnked to by official rst project page
 532 2011-01-05T21:30:42  <dreimark> achshar: they are plugins
 533 2011-01-05T21:31:25  <achshar> hmm and i still couldn't figure out underline :(
 534 2011-01-05T21:31:26  <dreimark> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/2.0-dev/file/8e2a05dce5fa/docs/user/mediawiki.rst#l67
 535 2011-01-05T21:31:41  <dreimark> this is strikethrough
 536 2011-01-05T21:31:48  <dreimark> and above of it underline
 537 2011-01-05T21:32:48  <dreimark> look at the first lines too
 538 2011-01-05T21:32:59  <achshar> hmm thanks.. i didnt put them bcoz they were not working earlier.
 539 2011-01-05T21:33:46  <achshar> oh i just have to mark MOINTODO so i dont need the other two..
 540 2011-01-05T21:33:55  <achshar> i guess..
 541 2011-01-05T21:34:56  <dreimark> you also want to add Sphinxtodo
 542 2011-01-05T21:35:47  <dreimark> and the mointodo is for the bugs to moin you found
 543 2011-01-05T21:36:29  <achshar> mm and what will sphinxtodo contain?
 544 2011-01-05T21:37:25  <achshar> .. role:: underline what does this do?? its in the top of the doc..
 545 2011-01-05T21:37:29  <dreimark> e.g. stuff sphinx can't, no rest plugin for it or missing css so it did it right
 546 2011-01-05T21:38:05  <achshar> '.. role:: underline'
 547 2011-01-05T21:38:08  <dreimark> http://sphinx.pocoo.org/markup/inline.html
 548 2011-01-05T21:38:14  <achshar> hmm ok i got it :)
 549 2011-01-05T21:39:31  <achshar> so sphinxtodo will come for stuff like Admonitions and comments that rst or sphinx cant show..
 550 2011-01-05T21:40:12  <dreimark> yes, or rst does not support perc...
 551 2011-01-05T21:40:37  <dreimark> bbl
 552 2011-01-05T21:45:18  <achshar> dreimark: do you know of any way we can show table cell color in rst??
 553 2011-01-05T21:53:27  <dreimark> achshar: google for it ask on #pocoo, sphinx devs are there
 554 2011-01-05T21:53:54  <izibi> which pages are available in the test environment?
 555 2011-01-05T21:54:06  <achshar> i am on it :)
 556 2011-01-05T21:56:23  <achshar> dreimark: are you having a look on the rest of the file?? how does it look??
 557 2011-01-05T22:05:18  <achshar> dreimark: there seems to be no reply on #pocoo as of now, and google didnt help me either
 558 2011-01-05T22:06:10  <dreimark> hmm, i am currently searching for flights
 559 2011-01-05T22:06:52  <achshar> flights like airplane flights??
 560 2011-01-05T22:08:24  <dreimark> yes, to NY
 561 2011-01-05T22:08:40  <dreimark> achshar: can you have a look at table attribs too
 562 2011-01-05T22:09:25  <dreimark> ah ok you did, i haven't found
 563 2011-01-05T22:09:45  <achshar> :)
 564 2011-01-05T22:10:11  <dreimark> colors at least should be possible by raw html, but that may be looks not very good
 565 2011-01-05T22:10:40  <dreimark> e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3702865/sphinx-restructuredtext-set-color-for-a-single-word
 566 2011-01-05T22:11:01  <achshar> can we even html in sphinx generated docs?
 567 2011-01-05T22:11:31  <achshar> hmm thats a workaround but will work
 568 2011-01-05T22:11:31  <dreimark> ask birkenfeld
 569 2011-01-05T22:12:32  <achshar> but we need to show table cells bkg.. so its not possible to us literal blocks..
 570 2011-01-05T22:15:51  <achshar> actualy i have school tom.. i can only be up for an hour or so.. is there any chance we can finish this task by then.. ?
 571 2011-01-05T22:16:00  <dreimark> sphinxtodo then
 572 2011-01-05T22:16:15  <achshar> hmm alright :D
 573 2011-01-05T22:20:11  <achshar> dreimark: actualy they have not yet been implimented in moin 2 and i was to document stuff that has been implemented but is broken..
 574 2011-01-05T22:24:46  <achshar> dreimark: so you are doing it now or should i come back tom..?
 575 2011-01-05T22:30:31  <izibi> how do i create some items in the tests?
 576 2011-01-05T22:34:00  <achshar> actually its just for day left fo the compition and i was hoping to finish this task today :O
 577 2011-01-05T22:34:13  <achshar> four*
 578 2011-01-05T22:39:37  <achshar> looks like dreimark is is busy.. so ThomasWaldmann do you have a minute or two now?
 579 2011-01-05T22:43:35  <achshar> or maybe xorAxAx.. :)
 580 2011-01-05T22:43:48  <xorAxAx> whats your question?
 581 2011-01-05T22:44:07  <achshar> i have a task that needs to be reviewed
 582 2011-01-05T22:44:40  <xorAxAx> which one? urls?
 583 2011-01-05T22:45:04  <achshar> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315487/ http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129037971005
 584 2011-01-05T22:46:42  <xorAxAx> didnt reimar show you how to do stroke?
 585 2011-01-05T22:47:06  <achshar> actually derimark has reviewed a few things
 586 2011-01-05T22:47:07  <achshar> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315543/
 587 2011-01-05T22:47:23  <achshar> yes he told me that a plugin could be used.. i have the code ready
 588 2011-01-05T22:47:38  <xorAxAx> ah, a plugin only
 589 2011-01-05T22:47:47  <achshar> the url above is the updated version of the file..
 590 2011-01-05T22:48:29  *** Samm has quit IRC
 591 2011-01-05T22:48:53  <xorAxAx> please rephrase "rst does not have a provision for no bullet or a white, or a square one!
 592 2011-01-05T22:48:55  <xorAxAx> "
 593 2011-01-05T22:50:31  <achshar> moin markup allows a square, white and a bulletless item for unordered lists which cannot be shown in rst
 594 2011-01-05T22:50:41  <achshar> how about this?
 595 2011-01-05T22:51:40  <xorAxAx> s/which cannot be shown/these cannot be chosen/
 596 2011-01-05T22:52:06  <achshar> hmm done :)
 597 2011-01-05T22:53:47  <xorAxAx> why is there no result in the section "Syntax Highlighting
 598 2011-01-05T22:53:49  <xorAxAx> "?
 599 2011-01-05T22:54:07  <achshar> because it needs divs and javascript code
 600 2011-01-05T22:54:26  <achshar> and they cannot be shown through rst
 601 2011-01-05T22:55:01  <xorAxAx> are you sure that you cannot use Admonitions in rst?
 602 2011-01-05T22:55:41  <achshar> hmm i am new to it so i might have escaped it
 603 2011-01-05T22:56:04  <achshar> but we need to show them exactly how they would look in a wiki page
 604 2011-01-05T22:56:16  <achshar> so i guess that's not possible
 605 2011-01-05T22:56:24  <xorAxAx> please check
 606 2011-01-05T22:57:28  <achshar> hmm how can we show html in rst? i asked it at #pocoo but no one replied :(
 607 2011-01-05T22:58:11  <xorAxAx> thats a docutils questtion
 608 2011-01-05T22:58:55  <achshar> docutils? is that a channel?
 609 2011-01-05T23:00:54  <xorAxAx> yes, but an empty one
 610 2011-01-05T23:00:58  <xorAxAx> (nearly)
 611 2011-01-05T23:01:05  <xorAxAx> try #python
 612 2011-01-05T23:02:20  <achshar> Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
 613 2011-01-05T23:02:36  <achshar> it gives this error while joining
 614 2011-01-05T23:03:34  <achshar> i talked abot this to ThomasWaldmann and he said that we leave the results html/js stuff
 615 2011-01-05T23:03:40  <xorAxAx> yes, you need to be identified with services
 616 2011-01-05T23:03:51  <xorAxAx> see the freenode faq
 617 2011-01-05T23:04:54  <achshar> anything other than the Admonitions?
 618 2011-01-05T23:05:10  <xorAxAx> looks good to me besides that
 619 2011-01-05T23:06:24  <izibi> can someone please tell me how to get an item in the test environment?
 620 2011-01-05T23:09:30  <achshar> xorAxAx: so what do we need to know..? is it possible to have html in rst..?
 621 2011-01-05T23:09:46  <xorAxAx> achshar: no idea
 622 2011-01-05T23:11:12  <ronny> achshar: i think there are raw html blocks
 623 2011-01-05T23:12:23  <achshar> ronny yes the literal blocks can hold html but in case of cell background, we need them inline.. not in paragraphs..
 624 2011-01-05T23:14:30  <achshar> btw where can i get the html that is used to show Admonitions..? maybe we can give it a shot but it will need the css files, so it might only work when actually inserted in the wiki page
 625 2011-01-05T23:15:30  <achshar> it will make things complicated to show the html in blocks..
 626 2011-01-05T23:17:04  <achshar> xorAxAx: what say?
 627 2011-01-05T23:17:40  <xorAxAx> Admonitions come from rst, they are a native rst feature
 628 2011-01-05T23:17:48  <xorAxAx> (or do they come from docbook?)
 629 2011-01-05T23:17:50  *** jacktheripper has quit IRC
 630 2011-01-05T23:18:18  <achshar> i am not familiar with docbook at all
 631 2011-01-05T23:19:14  *** m4k3r has quit IRC
 632 2011-01-05T23:19:29  <achshar> but a quick search for Admonitions  on the syntax page does not show anything
 633 2011-01-05T23:20:05  <achshar> wait i found something
 634 2011-01-05T23:20:53  *** jacktheripper has joined #moin-dev
 635 2011-01-05T23:21:56  <achshar> yes uts there! but we want to show the user exactly what Admonitions will look like on a wiki page, the rst Admonitions  have diffrent arcitecture
 636 2011-01-05T23:22:17  <achshar> architecture
 637 2011-01-05T23:23:42  <achshar> xorAxAx: if you want then it can be added there but since it will not be what the user would actually see on a wiki page, it will be no good.. :O
 638 2011-01-05T23:24:09  <xorAxAx> oh well, no diea
 639 2011-01-05T23:24:12  <xorAxAx> idea
 640 2011-01-05T23:24:31  <achshar> so what should i do..?
 641 2011-01-05T23:25:38  <achshar> xorAxAx: if we are all good then should i submit it for review on melange??
 642 2011-01-05T23:26:01  <xorAxAx> yes
 643 2011-01-05T23:29:50  <achshar> site seems to be on error :O
 644 2011-01-05T23:31:01  <achshar> xorAxAx: done :)
 645 2011-01-05T23:31:22  <xorAxAx> can we wait for dreimark to review it romorrow?
 646 2011-01-05T23:31:30  <achshar> sure :)
 647 2011-01-05T23:31:40  <xorAxAx> ok
 648 2011-01-05T23:32:23  <achshar> alright me got to go now.. :)
 649 2011-01-05T23:33:48  <xorAxAx> gn achshar
 650 2011-01-05T23:34:03  <achshar> :D gn
 651 2011-01-05T23:34:08  *** achshar has quit IRC
 652 2011-01-05T23:38:08  <izibi> does fixing invalid html5 include fixing broken javascript? :D

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2011-01-05 (last edited 2011-01-04 23:45:02 by IrcLogImporter)