2009-04-22T00:11:12  <dreimark> gn
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2009-04-22T08:55:59  <dreimark> moin
2009-04-22T09:02:33  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2009-04-22T09:03:09  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, I worked a bit on wikiutil.isSystemPage and related stuff in i18n module
2009-04-22T09:05:36  <ThomasWaldmann> I added a reverse mapping pagename -> (lang, orig_pagename) for all orig. pagenames in strings.all_pages
2009-04-22T09:13:59  <dreimark> very good, that means it can be used for avoiding expansion of varibales in Template pages (PageEditor._expand_variables) ?
2009-04-22T09:14:35  * dreimark will look later on the remember_me problem 
2009-04-22T09:15:37  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: ^^
2009-04-22T09:18:57  <ThomasWaldmann> that's unrelated
2009-04-22T09:20:43  <ThomasWaldmann> I guess I have to notify the translators about fixing their PO files / removing SystemPagesInXxxGroup.
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2009-04-22T12:49:45  <LotekThirteen> moin
2009-04-22T12:53:38  <LotekThirteen> ...sometimes the MoinMoinBugs page annoying me..
2009-04-22T12:53:44  <LotekThirteen> ...  it's hard to find some bugs and check if they are still some open issues, ecetera. did someone think about to optimizing this stuff? like using some CollectLists stuff (from ReimarBauer)?
2009-04-22T12:57:11  <ThomasWaldmann> if i close a bug, I usually put that into status and category
2009-04-22T12:59:31  <LotekThirteen> ThomasWaldmann: yes, I do not want to  criticize someone just If I see this huge buglist and searching for e.g. xapian bugs it's sometimes hard to find it because not everyone writes "xapian" in the title... well just wanted to ask if using some tables would be better...
2009-04-22T13:00:08  <dreimark> bbl
2009-04-22T13:08:51  <devilsadvocate> so i'm planning to move my (accepted) proposal into a child page and perhaps do some refactoring on it
2009-04-22T13:09:11  <devilsadvocate> child page of my home page will be fine. right?
2009-04-22T13:38:05  <ThomasWaldmann> LotekThirteen: the only way to fight that is to check and fix bugs
2009-04-22T13:38:46  <ThomasWaldmann> devilsadvocate: yes
2009-04-22T13:57:48  *** dimazest has quit IRC
2009-04-22T14:00:24  <LotekThirteen> bbl
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2009-04-22T17:52:26  <dreimark> bbl
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2009-04-22T19:41:25  <dreimark> bbl
2009-04-22T19:53:21  <dimazest> hi!
2009-04-22T19:53:33  <dimazest> dreimark: i have several qustions
2009-04-22T19:53:52  <dimazest> which version of python and moin should i use?
2009-04-22T19:57:34  <ThomasWaldmann> dimazest: as long as you don't hear any other decision: 2.4
2009-04-22T19:57:59  <dimazest> thank you
2009-04-22T19:58:04  <TheSheep> and python 1.9 ;)
2009-04-22T19:58:11  <dimazest> an moin 1.9 i guess
2009-04-22T19:58:12  <TheSheep> moin 2.4 and python 1.9
2009-04-22T19:58:17  <dimazest> *))
2009-04-22T19:58:19  <dimazest> :))
2009-04-22T19:58:38  <TheSheep> one day moin will outrun python, you'll see!
2009-04-22T19:59:13  <dimazest> shure
2009-04-22T19:59:25  <TheSheep> honest!
2009-04-22T19:59:46  <dimazest> and, concerning the forkflow, at least one push a day, it clear for me
2009-04-22T20:00:16  <dimazest> any other requirements, like reports?
2009-04-22T20:01:47  <dimazest> i see it like this. first i write my ideas how  i will implement something, kind of plan for 2 - 3 days, publish it somewhere. implement, and write a review, stating which problems i came across and so on
2009-04-22T20:02:37  <devilsadvocate> TheSheep, i have no doubt of that :P
2009-04-22T20:05:34  <TheSheep> dimazest: last year we had weekly meetings of all mentors and students
2009-04-22T20:05:47  <TheSheep> dimazest: where we discussed the progress, the plans and the blocks
2009-04-22T20:06:01  <TheSheep> dimazest: I suppose this year it will be similar
2009-04-22T20:06:25  <dimazest> ok, meetings, herem in irc?
2009-04-22T20:06:30  <TheSheep> yes
2009-04-22T20:06:39  <TheSheep> we can do voice now too though :)
2009-04-22T20:07:40  <TheSheep> but I suppose they will always start in irc
2009-04-22T20:07:51  <TheSheep> most of us practically live on this channel
2009-04-22T20:08:12  <TheSheep> if you have any problems, questions, or just feel like chatting, we are here :)
2009-04-22T20:09:22  <dimazest> :) i noticed, that you like chat much more then mailing lists
2009-04-22T20:11:58  <TheSheep> it's irc not chat, but yeah
2009-04-22T20:12:34  <dimazest> isn't irc kind of chat?
2009-04-22T20:18:31  <TheSheep> technically yes, but there are cultural differences
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2009-04-22T20:59:10  <devilsadvocate> ThomasWaldmann, how/where should i set up a branch?
2009-04-22T20:59:25  <devilsadvocate> ThomasWaldmann, xorAxAx said you were taking care of all of that
2009-04-22T21:03:43  <ThomasWaldmann> devilsadvocate: i will setup some repos on hg.moinmo.in soon
2009-04-22T21:03:53  <devilsadvocate> oh, ok
2009-04-22T21:04:33  <ThomasWaldmann> if you like to do some experiments, start with a moin/1.9 clone
2009-04-22T21:05:11  <devilsadvocate> yes, i have that
2009-04-22T21:05:30  <devilsadvocate> i was just wondering about the part where i need to have it publicly accessible
2009-04-22T21:05:57  <devilsadvocate> as in if i should set something up or whether it will be some somewhere on moinmo.in
2009-04-22T21:06:11  <ThomasWaldmann> you will just push to the public repo
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2009-04-22T23:03:07  <dreimark> re
2009-04-22T23:06:55  <dreimark> dimazest: irc of this channel is publicly logged at logged at http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2009-04-22
2009-04-22T23:07:49  <dreimark> while most of us use a server for irc we are always online but we also have some daytime work
2009-04-22T23:10:05  <dreimark> sometimes this can give a time lag in communication. but mostly you can get one of us for discussion of something which blocks you
2009-04-22T23:12:42  <dreimark> all students please read http://moinmo.in/GoogleSoc2009#Regular_communication_with_mentors_and_community
2009-04-22T23:13:14  <dreimark> (read the whole page, that's an appetizer)
2009-04-22T23:13:41  <dreimark> especially docs/CHANGES.yourname
2009-04-22T23:15:24  * dreimark would prefer a wiki page and subpages for reports. if you also want to block that's fine, but it is easier for us to comment or help if you use the moin wiki
2009-04-22T23:27:37  <ThomasWaldmann> re
2009-04-22T23:32:49  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: I found a session bug
2009-04-22T23:33:00  <dreimark> http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/1.9_session_lifetime_for_user
2009-04-22T23:37:19  <ThomasWaldmann> looks like the cookie needs to be re-set
2009-04-22T23:37:34  <dreimark> yes
2009-04-22T23:38:02  <dreimark> the question now is why that flag session.new is used.
2009-04-22T23:38:10  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, i think we should have 1.8.3 soon, so if you have anything pending...
2009-04-22T23:39:08  * dreimark looks
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2009-04-22T23:41:58  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: I am fine. mostly I check/tryout currently 1.9
2009-04-22T23:44:26  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: try without session.new
2009-04-22T23:46:15  <ThomasWaldmann> for experimenting, use (0.01, 0.1)
2009-04-22T23:48:35  <ThomasWaldmann> and keep that float and multiple with 3600 BEFORE doing int()
2009-04-22T23:51:13  <dreimark> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/113776/
2009-04-22T23:51:25  <dreimark> seems to work
2009-04-22T23:52:28  * dreimark has to wait now 4 mins to see if the cookie is removed
2009-04-22T23:54:07  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, that fixes also another bug
2009-04-22T23:55:06  <dreimark> i fear there will be more.
2009-04-22T23:55:06  <ThomasWaldmann> with the unfixed code, it could happen that your are logged out suddenly even though your were actively using the wiki, just because the cookie lifetime was over
2009-04-22T23:55:50  <dreimark> that's true.
2009-04-22T23:56:55  <ThomasWaldmann> you commit that?
2009-04-22T23:57:18  <dreimark> later I have to verify first that I can become logged out because of over time
2009-04-22T23:57:47  <dreimark> yeah it works

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2009-04-22 (last edited 2009-04-21 22:15:02 by IrcLogImporter)