2008-02-05T06:02:37  *** irc.freenode.net sets mode: +o ChanServ
2008-02-05T09:52:46  <dreimark> moin
2008-02-05T16:05:48  <kikka> moin!
2008-02-05T16:13:51  <dreimark> hi kikka
2008-02-05T17:16:03  <dreimark> bbl
2008-02-05T18:39:14  <kikka> Hey dreimark
2008-02-05T18:39:21  <kikka> Woo, 2h asleep :)
2008-02-05T18:39:32  <kikka> bad physics.
2008-02-05T20:30:33  <ThomasWaldmann> re
2008-02-05T20:32:55  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: do we add the same formatted=True/False  fix to 1.7 as we did for 1.6 ?
2008-02-05T20:33:45  <TheSheep> maybe 1.6 could default to false?
2008-02-05T20:34:21  <dreimark> 1.7?
2008-02-05T20:34:33  <TheSheep> right
2008-02-05T20:34:36  <TheSheep> sorry
2008-02-05T20:42:07  <ThomasWaldmann> for gettext?
2008-02-05T20:42:27  <dreimark> yes _('translate me')
2008-02-05T20:42:51  <dreimark> I think we should go first the 1.6 way and then do changes
2008-02-05T20:43:02  <ThomasWaldmann> i guess we still have to do the same review as 1.6 got some time ago.
2008-02-05T20:43:12  <ThomasWaldmann> but we should do that after the forward ports
2008-02-05T20:43:36  <dreimark> so we do the forward ports with the 1.6 known behaviour
2008-02-05T20:43:38  <ThomasWaldmann> and if we have to review all calls anyway, yes we could change the default
2008-02-05T20:45:39  <dreimark> I do port currently the action fix for mod_py
2008-02-05T20:46:27  <ThomasWaldmann> but if we change it, that will trigger some side effects in plugins (if they use some of our strings and call gettext for them)
2008-02-05T20:55:24  <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: reading
2008-02-05T20:55:26  <ThomasWaldmann> ?
2008-02-05T20:55:38  <xorAxAx> no, learning for an exam that is tomorrow :)
2008-02-05T20:56:08  <ThomasWaldmann> we have to do a small conference soon. but it has time until tomorrow.
2008-02-05T21:14:29  <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: I have a minor problem with polish i18n
2008-02-05T21:15:03  <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: in Polish, some words have to plural forms
2008-02-05T21:15:29  <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: you use one form with numerals ending with 2, 3 and 4, and the other form with all the rest
2008-02-05T21:24:57  <CIA-36> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 3040:8608b258f8e6 1.7/MoinMoin/ (11 files in 4 dirs): bug fix of MoinMoinBugs/MoveAttachmentNotWorkingWithModPython (thanks to Boleslaw Kulbabinski) (ported from 1.6)
2008-02-05T21:25:42  <dreimark> how can we go with changeset:   2112:9f0dcc33321a
2008-02-05T21:26:08  <dreimark> in 1.7 there is the wrong cs active
2008-02-05T21:28:28  <TheSheep> s/to/two/
2008-02-05T21:29:56  <dreimark> TheSheep: can you give an example line in en?
2008-02-05T21:31:36  <TheSheep> 1 match, 2 matches, 5 matches
2008-02-05T21:31:49  <TheSheep> 1 trafienie, 2 trafienia, 5 trafień
2008-02-05T21:32:12  <TheSheep> in the search results
2008-02-05T21:32:21  <dreimark> ahh, now I do understand
2008-02-05T21:33:12  <TheSheep> I know there are other languages with similar rules
2008-02-05T21:33:27  <TheSheep> and I'm aware that madness lies this way :)
2008-02-05T21:38:23  <dreimark> seems we need to describe some counter logic
2008-02-05T21:56:58  <TheSheep> counter-logic :)
2008-02-05T21:57:27  <TheSheep> good thing there are no ordinals
2008-02-05T21:57:54  <TheSheep> 3me ;)
2008-02-05T21:58:04  <TheSheep> 13me
2008-02-05T21:59:19  <ThomasWaldmann> TheSheep: strange stuff :)
2008-02-05T21:59:32  <TheSheep> maybe having it as  "matches: 3" would be better, at least for those weird languages
2008-02-05T21:59:51  <ThomasWaldmann> i think the gettext stuff has something to define plural form rules
2008-02-05T21:59:56  <ThomasWaldmann> but i never used it
2008-02-05T22:10:08  <dreimark> ngettext(  singular, plural, n)
2008-02-05T22:10:36  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: TheSheep http://docs.python.org/lib/node732.html
2008-02-05T22:28:43  <dreimark> good night
2008-02-05T22:30:52  <ThomasWaldmann> gn dreimark
2008-02-05T22:31:02  <vpv> ThomasWaldmann: at least the po files have a way of defining the plurals
2008-02-05T22:31:26  <vpv> "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" for fi for example

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2008-02-05 (last edited 2008-02-05 05:15:02 by IrcLogImporter)