2007-06-01T00:03:58  <CIA-25> moin: Marian Neagul marian@info.uvt.ro * 2012:9b1b43ae0204 1.7-classify-mneagul/MoinMoin/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Changed the way MM reports spammines and some bugfixes
2007-06-01T00:05:17  <neagulm> good night
2007-06-01T00:07:51  <grzywacz> night neagulm
2007-06-01T01:07:31  <CIA-25> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2049:2db28b18d761 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/storage/ (6 files in 2 dirs): more 1.6 user backend and some external interface stuff
2007-06-01T01:07:42  <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: you're sure about genSHITheme?
2007-06-01T01:14:36  <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: this MoinMoin.storage.config is just temporary, right?
2007-06-01T01:15:34  <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: convention is to first import stdlib modules, then MoinMoin modules
2007-06-01T01:16:45  <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: if you import os, you don't need to import os.path
2007-06-01T01:27:53  <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: s/real_files/filtered_files/
2007-06-01T01:40:33  <ThomasWaldmann>  108 for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
2007-06-01T01:40:33  <ThomasWaldmann> 109 old_metadata[key] = value
2007-06-01T01:40:59  <ThomasWaldmann> how about old_metadata.update(metadata)
2007-06-01T01:41:23  <grzywacz> 8)
2007-06-01T01:45:33  <CIA-25> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2053:d347a0303be1 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py userform.py): Add JID field and a button to send account details with Jabber to user preferences.
2007-06-01T01:45:34  <CIA-25> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2054:afa784d8d58d 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/events/__init__.py: Handle PluginErrors while loading event handlers gracefully.
2007-06-01T01:45:35  <CIA-25> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2055:088edb461832 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/events/ (3 files):
2007-06-01T01:45:36  <CIA-25> moin: Use the same logic to generate email and jabber notifications. Both are easily
2007-06-01T01:45:38  <CIA-25> moin: i18n-ised now.
2007-06-01T01:49:46  <grzywacz> Enough for today. I have to get up in 5 hours anyway. ;-S
2007-06-01T01:49:49  <grzywacz> Night.
2007-06-01T01:51:01  <ThomasWaldmann> gn
2007-06-01T02:36:28  <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: no, i am not :>
2007-06-01T02:36:40  <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: i will try to think of a nicer name
2007-06-01T02:37:25  <ThomasWaldmann> how about simply "genshi"
2007-06-01T02:38:05  * ThomasWaldmann looked at the accessibility branch and is not impressed
2007-06-01T02:38:10  <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: nameclash with 'from genshi.templates import ...'
2007-06-01T02:41:12  <ThomasWaldmann> ok, keep it until we have a better idea
2007-06-01T02:42:37  <zenhase> evenmoremodern ;>
2007-06-01T02:45:45  <zenhase> of course i could call it gsoc or gsoc2007 ...
2007-06-01T08:02:36  <CIA-25> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2056:d6ab26230e23 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/userform.py: Typo fix.
2007-06-01T08:02:41  <grzywacz> moin :P
2007-06-01T08:13:56  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2007-06-01T08:19:39  <xorAxAx> the source code is not very accessible on the branch :)
2007-06-01T10:27:22  <zenhase> good morning
2007-06-01T10:27:31  <zenhase> the great day of gpn6 has arrived
2007-06-01T10:34:16  <xorAxAx> indeed :)
2007-06-01T10:38:42  <zenhase> uou're still coming for a visit? :>
2007-06-01T10:38:58  <zenhase> s/uou/you/
2007-06-01T10:39:19  <xorAxAx> no
2007-06-01T10:39:23  <xorAxAx> unfortunately not possible
2007-06-01T10:39:34  <xorAxAx> too much other work
2007-06-01T10:39:41  <xorAxAx> and pretty far away :)
2007-06-01T10:39:57  <xorAxAx> but how about ThomasWaldmann?
2007-06-01T11:59:41  <lanius> ThomasWaldmann: you are right in everything :-)
2007-06-01T12:02:21  <xorAxAx> since when? :)
2007-06-01T12:03:12  <lanius> since 01:14 AM :D
2007-06-01T12:04:34  <xorAxAx> ah
2007-06-01T15:36:51  <lanius> do we have a special pylintrc file for moin?
2007-06-01T15:42:30  <xorAxAx> not AFAIK
2007-06-01T17:04:19  <grzywacz> re
2007-06-01T17:04:32  <grzywacz> xorAxAx, <xorAxAx> the source code is not very accessible on the branch :)
2007-06-01T17:04:35  <grzywacz> What did you mean?
2007-06-01T17:11:17  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: i was talking about the accessibility branch :)
2007-06-01T17:11:59  <grzywacz> O_o;
2007-06-01T17:15:17  <CIA-25> moin: Marian Neagul marian@info.uvt.ro * 2013:2221d6ad75de 1.7-classify-mneagul/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Initial MIMEMultipart SpamBayes interaction
2007-06-01T17:53:51  <CIA-25> moin: Marian Neagul marian@info.uvt.ro * 2014:6f8610e75aa5 1.7-classify-mneagul/ (3 files in 3 dirs): SpamBayes interaction. Improve Tokenizer
2007-06-01T17:55:01  <neagulm> the edit-log makes me crazy. HG ignores my .hgignore
2007-06-01T17:56:17  <grzywacz> Same here.
2007-06-01T18:03:28  <johill> fix the code for edit-log to not require its presence
2007-06-01T18:03:28  <johill> ;)
2007-06-01T18:20:40  <neagulm> need to leave, bbl
2007-06-01T18:50:08  <CIA-25> moin: Marian Neagul marian@info.uvt.ro * 2015:d6fb0eb486de 1.7-classify-mneagul/wiki/data/edit-log: Revert edit-log
2007-06-01T18:50:09  <CIA-25> moin: Marian Neagul marian@info.uvt.ro * 2016:03e90acad54b 1.7-classify-mneagul/MoinMoin/classifier/SpamBayes.py: Small changes to classifier proxy
2007-06-01T19:09:02  <xorAxAx> well, if you added a file, you need to delete it first
2007-06-01T19:09:14  <xorAxAx> before every commmit, use hg st to seewhat happened
2007-06-01T19:09:22  <xorAxAx> also refer to the hg man page to see the .hgignore syntax
2007-06-01T19:09:30  <xorAxAx> its rather flexible and non-intuitive sometimes
2007-06-01T19:09:48  <xorAxAx> "edit-log" in the file wont work :-)
2007-06-01T19:35:41  <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: maybe not in everything, but in lowlevel python details :)
2007-06-01T19:37:24  <ThomasWaldmann> edit-log is a file under revision control, I guess you can't ignore it
2007-06-01T19:37:32  <ThomasWaldmann> but you can revert it, before commit
2007-06-01T20:53:55  <ThomasWaldmann> re
2007-06-01T20:54:09  <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: how's gpn going?
2007-06-01T21:04:09  <ThomasWaldmann> neagulm: hi. please 1st stdlib imports, then moin imports.
2007-06-01T21:05:08  <neagulm> ThomasWaldmann, ok
2007-06-01T21:05:22  <ThomasWaldmann> and now you are doing too much spacing
2007-06-01T21:05:36  <ThomasWaldmann> +class SBClassifier( BasicClassifier ):
2007-06-01T21:06:25  <ThomasWaldmann>              if score>0.60:
2007-06-01T21:06:33  <ThomasWaldmann> and too less, in the same file :-P
2007-06-01T21:09:47  <grzywacz> Time to do something!
2007-06-01T21:09:48  <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz:
2007-06-01T21:09:50  <ThomasWaldmann> +        except PluginAttributeError:
2007-06-01T21:09:50  <ThomasWaldmann> +            handler = None
2007-06-01T21:09:50  <ThomasWaldmann> +            pass
2007-06-01T21:09:57  <ThomasWaldmann> - pass
2007-06-01T21:10:05  <grzywacz> heh, yes
2007-06-01T21:10:15  <grzywacz> Somehow I let this silyness creep in. :<
2007-06-01T21:11:47  <ThomasWaldmann> and you still have no newline at the end of some files
2007-06-01T21:13:03  <ThomasWaldmann> -        if self.config.verbose == True:
2007-06-01T21:13:03  <ThomasWaldmann> +        if self.config:
2007-06-01T21:13:56  <ThomasWaldmann> x2
2007-06-01T21:14:12  <ThomasWaldmann> xN
2007-06-01T21:14:42  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, we use the "logging" framework, you can do it better using it
2007-06-01T21:14:43  <grzywacz> wtf
2007-06-01T21:14:54  <grzywacz> How come it's been removed so many times...
2007-06-01T21:19:56  <grzywacz> Thanks.
2007-06-01T21:19:57  <CIA-25> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2057:0128bbaf0172 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Add newlines at the end of files, fix some overzealous deletion.
2007-06-01T21:31:13  <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: we finally have network
2007-06-01T21:31:17  <CIA-25> moin: Marian Neagul marian@info.uvt.ro * 2017:cca09a565bad 1.7-classify-mneagul/MoinMoin/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Small coding-style fixes
2007-06-01T21:31:43  <xorAxAx> haha
2007-06-01T21:31:52  <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: the stupid university of applied sciences are not able to provide a simple thing like one ip to the outside
2007-06-01T21:33:45  <ThomasWaldmann> hehe
2007-06-01T21:34:18  * ThomasWaldmann .oO(the secret tip now is to use a speedport router for 100 people inet connection)
2007-06-01T21:44:48  <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: we hacked us our network
2007-06-01T21:45:41  <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: we found a socket in the wall with link, stole a network card from a simple terminal client here
2007-06-01T21:45:53  <zenhase> so we got access to the local network
2007-06-01T21:46:15  <xorAxAx> hehe
2007-06-01T21:46:17  <zenhase> and then we used the http proxy to build an openvpn tunnel to my own dedicated server
2007-06-01T21:46:20  <xorAxAx> thats pretty drastic
2007-06-01T21:46:33  <xorAxAx> how about just booting the client, sniffing the MAC and setting it on the BR? :)
2007-06-01T21:46:54  <zenhase> xorAxAx: we we're too frustrated to think clearly then :>
2007-06-01T21:47:02  <xorAxAx> brute force!
2007-06-01T21:47:05  <grzywacz> zenhase, lol
2007-06-01T21:47:32  <xorAxAx> well, thats applied science
2007-06-01T21:48:01  <zenhase> at least everything is content now ... and if anybody does evil hacks i will kill him with my bare hands, since it's my public ip that's the source of all outgoing network now
2007-06-01T21:48:11  <zenhase> s/everything/everybody
2007-06-01T21:48:21  <grzywacz> The Source of All Evil!
2007-06-01T21:48:22  <grzywacz> ;-)
2007-06-01T21:48:48  <zenhase> if anybody notices strange things from this weekend ... it's not me!
2007-06-01T21:49:01  <grzywacz> Does anyone know how long does planet-soc.com take to aggregate a new rss feed?
2007-06-01T23:08:04  <vpv> ThomasWaldmann and others as well, there's http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/SummercodeFinland2007 now :)
2007-06-01T23:08:38  <vpv> it's not complete yet, I'll add more details in Monday, maybe even before that
2007-06-01T23:08:41  <xorAxAx> very nice
2007-06-01T23:10:54  <grzywacz> vpv, is "Pekka" a popular name in Finland?
2007-06-01T23:12:46  <vpv> grzywacz: I think so :)
2007-06-01T23:13:45  <grzywacz> vpv, I'm asking, because the only other Finn I know personally is also Pekka ;-)
2007-06-01T23:14:38  <xorAxAx> i know a girl called kristiina
2007-06-01T23:15:02  <xorAxAx> the funny thing about that is that older finns cant pronounce words with 2 consonants at the beginning, this includes her parents
2007-06-01T23:15:14  <grzywacz> heh
2007-06-01T23:15:23  <vpv> :D that's true
2007-06-01T23:16:23  <grzywacz> Well, I had some fun teaching how to pronounce "grzywacz" to my friends. :P
2007-06-01T23:16:55  <xorAxAx> grzeewash
2007-06-01T23:16:56  <xorAxAx> ?
2007-06-01T23:17:07  <xorAxAx> grzeewadsh
2007-06-01T23:17:18  <grzywacz> more like "tsh"
2007-06-01T23:17:24  <xorAxAx> grzeewatsh
2007-06-01T23:17:29  <grzywacz> grzeevatsh
2007-06-01T23:17:30  <grzywacz> ?;]
2007-06-01T23:17:36  <xorAxAx> ok :)
2007-06-01T23:18:04  <xorAxAx> somebody said in another channel 30 minutes ago that polish is reversed french, every word sounds like somebody is calling you names :)
2007-06-01T23:18:17  <grzywacz> lol, true :D
2007-06-01T23:23:03  <CIA-25> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2050:e8d507285f14 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (8 files in 3 dirs): more external stuff

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2007-06-01 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:12:53 by localhost)