2007-04-22T00:02:35  <johill> ThomasWaldmann: if you feel like it, auth token stuff should be reworked to not rely on the uid being secret and to be able to throw away tokens once you no longer need them
2007-04-22T00:07:02  <grzywacz> My isp is driving me nuts... 5-6% of constant packet loss :E
2007-04-22T00:07:38  <johill> huh
2007-04-22T00:08:00  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: have you seen the page edit?
2007-04-22T00:08:13  <xorAxAx> about your misjudgement? :)
2007-04-22T00:08:17  <grzywacz> From ThomasWaldmann?
2007-04-22T00:08:26  <xorAxAx> no
2007-04-22T00:08:30  <xorAxAx> from 130.*
2007-04-22T00:08:41  <xorAxAx> i think gajim using it is an important advantage
2007-04-22T00:08:43  <grzywacz> ah
2007-04-22T00:09:31  <CIA-28> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2010:3a46a34e298d /MoinMoin/auth/interwiki.py: use new getAuthToken/applyAuthToken/getUserProfile calls, more logging in verbose mode
2007-04-22T00:11:13  <ThomasWaldmann> johill: yes, that would be good (as long as it is a rather small change)
2007-04-22T00:11:24  <johill> it would be, yeah, just change the two methods
2007-04-22T00:11:28  <johill> I haven't gotten around to it yet
2007-04-22T00:11:49  <ThomasWaldmann> just use the cookie value?
2007-04-22T00:12:00  <johill> there's no cookie for xmlrpc
2007-04-22T00:12:16  <ThomasWaldmann> i mean transfering it as auth_token
2007-04-22T00:12:30  <johill> yeah, the session id
2007-04-22T00:13:05  <xorAxAx> its  badly abstracted if it had to deal with cookies ...
2007-04-22T00:13:16  <johill> it doesn't
2007-04-22T00:13:23  <johill> no worries
2007-04-22T00:13:27  <xorAxAx> :-)
2007-04-22T00:13:34  <grzywacz> xorAxAx, I don't agree with this comment. It may be used by gajim, but pyxmpp it also quite widely used.
2007-04-22T00:13:45  <grzywacz> xorAxAx, this is "advanced documentation" of xmppy http://xmpppy.sourceforge.net/advanced.html
2007-04-22T00:13:53  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: and the documentation is the only difference?
2007-04-22T00:14:01  <johill> yay for docs
2007-04-22T00:14:05  <johill> ;)
2007-04-22T00:14:06  <xorAxAx> maybe it does things better
2007-04-22T00:14:26  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: LOL
2007-04-22T00:15:01  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: well, they have docstrings
2007-04-22T00:15:07  <grzywacz> Not many of them.
2007-04-22T00:15:20  <xorAxAx> ok
2007-04-22T00:15:25  * xorAxAx tries gajim
2007-04-22T00:15:55  <grzywacz> pyxmpp has a clear list of supported features
2007-04-22T00:16:16  <grzywacz> xmppy: "primarily aims to work with jabberd2 - the new Open Source Jabber Server."
2007-04-22T00:16:17  <grzywacz> (?)
2007-04-22T00:17:04  <grzywacz> Hm.
2007-04-22T00:17:21  <xorAxAx> :-)
2007-04-22T00:17:22  <grzywacz> How does LGPL work for Python code?
2007-04-22T00:18:59  <xorAxAx> well, like it does for any other language :-)
2007-04-22T00:19:14  <xorAxAx> whats your specific question?
2007-04-22T00:19:41  <grzywacz> Let me read LGPL again and see if I can answer it myself.
2007-04-22T00:19:50  <grzywacz> (pyxmpp is LGPL, xmppy is GPL)
2007-04-22T00:19:54  <xorAxAx> you can also ask here :-)
2007-04-22T00:20:01  <xorAxAx> that doesnt matter for moin, it is GPL as well
2007-04-22T00:21:16  <grzywacz> This license sounds stupid. It mentions linking and executables. I wonder how you translate this into python. :P
2007-04-22T00:21:38  <xorAxAx> yes, GPL is 15 years old than python
2007-04-22T00:22:19  * xorAxAx chats with his self-contact
2007-04-22T00:22:23  <grzywacz> Well, shouldn't matter anyway, bot can safely be licensed as gpl...
2007-04-22T00:22:29  <grzywacz> xorAxAx, heh ;)
2007-04-22T00:22:35  * grzywacz can't connect to jabber.org :P
2007-04-22T00:24:11  <xorAxAx> wow, psi still cant ignore people?
2007-04-22T00:24:30  <grzywacz> You use privacy lists for that, which are server-side.
2007-04-22T00:24:40  <grzywacz> dev-psi has interface for this
2007-04-22T00:24:51  <xorAxAx> i know
2007-04-22T00:24:53  <grzywacz> In current stable you can use the xml console to write stanzas yourself, I guess. :P
2007-04-22T00:24:56  <xorAxAx> even gajim has
2007-04-22T00:24:59  <xorAxAx> :-p
2007-04-22T00:25:13  <xorAxAx> still nothing compared to mirandas features to this regard
2007-04-22T00:25:41  <xorAxAx> we need more script kiddies in the jabber network that bug the psi developers :-)
2007-04-22T00:27:48  <grzywacz> I guess so. I've never gotten any spam on jabber. :\
2007-04-22T00:28:43  <xorAxAx> hmpf
2007-04-22T00:28:50  <xorAxAx> gajim has a similar bug like evolution
2007-04-22T00:29:08  <xorAxAx> well, in evolution it is worse - it sets the sent messages according to the current locale
2007-04-22T00:29:29  <xorAxAx> like "foo bar wrote on:" in evolution. of course you can override them in gajim, but you cant in evolution
2007-04-22T00:30:04  <grzywacz> That's annoying.
2007-04-22T00:30:57  <xorAxAx> are emoticons standardised?
2007-04-22T00:31:03  <xorAxAx> in jabber
2007-04-22T00:34:29  <grzywacz> No.
2007-04-22T00:34:45  <grzywacz> (or: I'm not aware of anything like that :))
2007-04-22T00:34:56  <grzywacz> Easy to check.
2007-04-22T00:35:15  <grzywacz> http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/
2007-04-22T00:35:16  <grzywacz> ;]
2007-04-22T00:35:59  <xorAxAx> :-)
2007-04-22T00:43:52  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann:no dev-logs on MM, can you please check the cron job
2007-04-22T00:43:59  <dreimark> gn
2007-04-22T09:08:24  <Fabi> moin
2007-04-22T11:09:26  <dreimark> moin
2007-04-22T11:09:42  <xorAxAx> moin dreimark
2007-04-22T11:12:16  <dreimark> currently I investigate /MoinMoinBugs/IndentingAndSpaceBetweenTwoMacroCallsGivesLineBreak
2007-04-22T11:25:52  <Fabi> good luck
2007-04-22T11:26:02  <Fabi> you'll need it
2007-04-22T11:51:30  <ThomasWaldmann>  moin
2007-04-22T11:52:15  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: that can likely break other stuff
2007-04-22T11:53:23  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann:I know, current investigating only and probably a specific workaround
2007-04-22T11:54:53  <ThomasWaldmann> the problem is that moin doesnt differentiate between block macros and inline macros
2007-04-22T12:33:51  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: that revert stuff on MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup was likely a bot, I fixed(removed) acls
2007-04-22T12:34:30  <dreimark> fine
2007-04-22T12:35:30  <ThomasWaldmann> 1.6 won't have that problem any more
2007-04-22T12:35:59  <xorAxAx> why?
2007-04-22T12:36:08  <xorAxAx> because the buttons are in place? :)
2007-04-22T12:36:46  <ThomasWaldmann> "revert to THIS revision" is in the actions menu now
2007-04-22T12:37:23  <xorAxAx> ok
2007-04-22T12:37:58  <ThomasWaldmann> and as soon as we get rid of attachments as they are, info action can get even easier than it is now in 1.6
2007-04-22T12:43:45  <dreimark> is there an easy way to strip all blanks to only one
2007-04-22T12:47:57  <ThomasWaldmann> split/join
2007-04-22T13:15:30  <CIA-28> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj@googlemail.com> * 2023:dd5240822911 1.7/MoinMoin/parser/text_moin_wiki.py: text_moin_wiki: bug fix of MoinMoinBugs/IndentingAndSpaceBetweenTwoMacroCallsGivesLineBreak
2007-04-22T13:15:43  <CIA-28> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj@googlemail.com> * 2013:ba8fe4bd2321 /MoinMoin/parser/text_moin_wiki.py: text_moin_wiki: bug fix of MoinMoinBugs/IndentingAndSpaceBetweenTwoMacroCallsGivesLineBreak
2007-04-22T13:19:36  <dreimark> That fix is in principle don't use 862 if two macros are separated by blanks
2007-04-22T13:20:05  <dreimark> or more as two
2007-04-22T13:23:22  <dreimark> fpetz: how is xapian search going on?
2007-04-22T13:35:14  <ThomasWaldmann> what if i have `[[bla]][[blubb]]` in a line?
2007-04-22T13:36:23  <dreimark> works
2007-04-22T13:36:37  <dreimark> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=bla]][[blubb in verbatim
2007-04-22T13:36:45  <dreimark> arrgh
2007-04-22T13:36:49  <Fabi> dreimark, did you check for correct nesting of <p> tags
2007-04-22T13:37:20  <Fabi> in the rendered page
2007-04-22T13:44:51  <ThomasWaldmann> and whether maybe one of the existing flags can be used
2007-04-22T13:48:51  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: if you write "fixed by .." please also give the branch
2007-04-22T13:48:59  <dreimark> yep
2007-04-22T13:50:06  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann:may be one of the other already defined vars could be used too
2007-04-22T13:51:22  <dreimark> I don't want to break something by changing too much because SyntaxReference is not enough as testcase
2007-04-22T14:01:17  <ThomasWaldmann> i am not convinced that we should try to fix that in 1.6
2007-04-22T14:01:39  <ThomasWaldmann> there is an easy workaround and there is some danger that the fix breaks other stuff
2007-04-22T14:02:03  <ThomasWaldmann> and it doesnt make the parser better code
2007-04-22T14:04:08  <dreimark> output http://test.wikiwikiweb.de/ReimarBauer/TestInlineMacro
2007-04-22T14:05:19  <ThomasWaldmann> and you switch off that p generation for the complete line
2007-04-22T14:05:41  <ThomasWaldmann> and there could be lots of other stuff in that line, not only those 2 macros
2007-04-22T14:06:21  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann:I agree, searching for other related bugs I found /MoinMoinBugs/WrongBreakInLinks
2007-04-22T14:08:00  <ThomasWaldmann> i would suggest undoing that changeset and either make a fix that is obviously correcting the problem or no fix at all
2007-04-22T14:08:50  <fpletz> dreimark: I'm just gonna finish some things for uni then I'll try to fix it
2007-04-22T14:08:51  <dreimark> for  1.7 too?
2007-04-22T14:09:25  <dreimark> fpletz:nice to hear that :)
2007-04-22T14:09:30  <fpletz> ThomasWaldmann: should I evalute the exceprts from CHANGES.fpletz on MoinMoin:XapianIntegration and reformat it to a proper todo-list? ;)
2007-04-22T14:09:45  <ThomasWaldmann> yes, please
2007-04-22T14:09:52  <fpletz> will do
2007-04-22T14:10:50  <ThomasWaldmann> and also please read the CHANGES in 1.6 whether the xapian stuff is correct/complete
2007-04-22T14:12:17  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: or even better: undo in 1.6 and try to find better fix in 1.7
2007-04-22T14:12:50  <dreimark> ok
2007-04-22T14:13:52  <ThomasWaldmann> we could try rollback on the repo :)
2007-04-22T14:15:29  <ThomasWaldmann> hm, maybe better just revert and commit again
2007-04-22T14:16:32  <ThomasWaldmann> fpletz: are you having some SOC project this year, too?
2007-04-22T14:16:44  <dreimark> for rollback I ve to use force don't know what could happen, revert seems better
2007-04-22T14:18:00  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann:http://www.third-bit.com/soc2007.html
2007-04-22T14:22:51  <fpletz> ThomasWaldmann: nope, I didn't apply.. unfortunately I just don't have enough time, even less than last year :/
2007-04-22T14:24:34  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: ah, nice summary
2007-04-22T14:25:01  <ThomasWaldmann> http://code.google.com/soc/ikiwiki/appinfo.html?csaid=950D530DF5328E86 we can look at the outcome this autumn :)
2007-04-22T14:25:51  <ThomasWaldmann> fpletz: ok, so you at least have a little time to help getting 1.6 out :)
2007-04-22T14:26:00  <CIA-28> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> * 2014:2fb0238c5bb0 /MoinMoin/parser/text_moin_wiki.py: text_moin_wiki: revert changes of 2013:ba8fe4bd2321
2007-04-22T14:33:24  <fpletz> ThomasWaldmann: hehe, yup, that's the main reason of course ;)
2007-04-22T15:02:35  <dreimark> bbl
2007-04-22T19:45:19  <dreimark> bb
2007-04-22T20:45:02  <neagulm> hy
2007-04-22T20:51:51  <ThomasWaldmann> moin neagulm
2007-04-22T20:54:41  <neagulm> what is the minimal python version that should my classifier support ?
2007-04-22T20:58:35  <dreimark> hi neagulm
2007-04-22T20:58:42  <neagulm> hy dreimark
2007-04-22T21:01:23  <ThomasWaldmann> neagulm: 2.3
2007-04-22T21:03:16  <dreimark> neagulm:we ususally backport functions of upper versions if we can't ommit them
2007-04-22T21:04:56  <ThomasWaldmann> except language features :-P
2007-04-22T21:12:04  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann:need we to translate Load to german?
2007-04-22T21:22:29  <ThomasWaldmann> "Laden" / "Speichern" ? :)
2007-04-22T21:23:28  <dreimark> yes, otherwise we probably get a bugreport from Oliver again :)
2007-04-22T21:23:57  <dreimark> And with 1.6 we don't need in SyntaxReference spaces in between "{ { {" and "} } }" for parser examples.
2007-04-22T21:25:38  <dreimark> that change makes only sense after moinmaster has 1.6
2007-04-22T21:28:05  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: i am currently preparing a try with mmaster on 1.6
2007-04-22T21:28:17  <dreimark> fine
2007-04-22T21:28:23  <dreimark> :)
2007-04-22T21:45:45  <dreimark> fpletz:how is it going on?
2007-04-22T21:58:23  <grzywacz> Sorry for being quiet, but I'm kind of broken atm.
2007-04-22T21:58:45  <ThomasWaldmann> http://moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de:9000/ (just a playing copy, nothing persistent)
2007-04-22T22:16:52  <dreimark> if AutoAdmin would work AutoAdminGroup is immutable but AutoAdminGroup not
2007-04-22T22:20:51  <dreimark> the example subpage
2007-04-22T22:24:21  <ThomasWaldmann> hm?
2007-04-22T22:25:17  <dreimark> it seems not to work on my testwiki, I cant get a template page
2007-04-22T22:26:11  <dreimark> but if it will work someone could create ExampleProject/AdminGroup with his name and then he could enter pages
2007-04-22T22:26:25  <dreimark> with acls
2007-04-22T22:26:57  <dreimark> I have no edit rights for the 1.6 Master wiki
2007-04-22T22:27:24  <dreimark> no right to create a new page
2007-04-22T22:30:04  <ThomasWaldmann> try now
2007-04-22T22:30:54  <dreimark> :)
2007-04-22T22:48:05  <dreimark> hmm I am not sure if it is good that it mails
2007-04-22T22:53:54  <ThomasWaldmann> right, switched off now
2007-04-22T22:56:35  <dreimark> good night

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2007-04-22 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:09:02 by localhost)