2006-07-08T09:15:49  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2006-07-08T12:22:17  <ThomasWaldmann> fpletz: are you reading?
2006-07-08T12:23:08  <ThomasWaldmann> fpletz: http://test.wikiwikiweb.de/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=test&titlesearch=Titel
2006-07-08T12:23:27  <ThomasWaldmann> please check if this is caused by one of your changes
2006-07-08T12:23:28  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: we are currently starting to implement a new system
2006-07-08T12:23:40  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: we will generate a doctree that is compatible to docutils
2006-07-08T12:23:53  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: we will retain support for the old interfaces, though
2006-07-08T12:26:13  <ThomasWaldmann> fpletz: http://xapian.wikiwikiweb.de/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=test&fullsearch=Text
2006-07-08T12:26:51  <ThomasWaldmann> it doesnt backtrace there (backtrace happens with moinsearch, not xapian), but the highlighting is not correct
2006-07-08T13:05:58  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: What do you mean "old interfaces"?
2006-07-08T13:06:20  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: the formatter interface :)
2006-07-08T13:06:34  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Ok, so no rawHTML?
2006-07-08T13:06:43  <xorAxAx> of course we will have rawhtml
2006-07-08T13:06:51  <xorAxAx> until we dont need it anymore
2006-07-08T13:06:56  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: For what?
2006-07-08T13:07:42  <xorAxAx> ?
2006-07-08T13:11:49  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: I mean for what do you need to use rawHTML?
2006-07-08T13:11:59  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: man grep :)
2006-07-08T13:12:05  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: You said "of course we will have rawhtml"
2006-07-08T13:12:09  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: i mean, rst.py wont have rawHTML
2006-07-08T13:12:14  <xorAxAx> when we have fixed it
2006-07-08T13:12:19  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Ok :)
2006-07-08T13:13:09  <mvirkkil> I understood that you meant that it will use rawHTML when you said "of course we will have rawhtml", but I guess you meant that rawHTML won't be removed completely from fromatters?
2006-07-08T13:13:42  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: But then rst.py should work out of the box, for generating docbooks :)
2006-07-08T13:13:49  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: That is quite cool :)
2006-07-08T13:14:35  <xorAxAx> we cannot promise anything
2006-07-08T13:17:50  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: ok, but I'm not worried :)
2006-07-08T13:18:05  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Will you use docutils?
2006-07-08T13:18:31  <xorAxAx> at least the doctree of it
2006-07-08T13:18:42  <xorAxAx> and then it will pair well with the other stuff in there
2006-07-08T13:18:57  <mvirkkil> "pair well"?
2006-07-08T13:19:25  <xorAxAx> yeah, the interfaces are similar so we wont have much pain combining their e.g. latexwriter with the other code
2006-07-08T13:19:58  <mvirkkil> I'm sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about.
2006-07-08T13:20:08  <mvirkkil> latexwriter?
2006-07-08T13:20:15  <mvirkkil> "the other code"?
2006-07-08T13:20:31  <xorAxAx> docutils
2006-07-08T13:22:52  <mvirkkil> "the interfaces to our formatters are so similar to the docutils sax interface, that combining their latexwriter with docutils is no problem"?
2006-07-08T13:25:45  <xorAxAx> no, we are writing our own visitor that generates the tree
2006-07-08T13:36:06  <xorAxAx> because its not easy
2006-07-08T13:40:55  <Kepplar> moin
2006-07-08T13:40:56  <Kepplar> eugh
2006-07-08T13:41:02  <Kepplar> network problems ;/
2006-07-08T13:41:17  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: What is latexwriter?
2006-07-08T13:41:32  <xorAxAx> a docutils class that generates latex
2006-07-08T13:42:17  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: with what are you going to combine latexwriter?
2006-07-08T13:42:44  <xorAxAx> nothing, but it could be combined with some docutils transforms
2006-07-08T13:42:56  <xorAxAx> and the new doctree data chain in moinmoin
2006-07-08T13:43:27  * xorAxAx is gone to lunch
2006-07-08T15:13:54  <Kepplar> dodod
2006-07-08T15:26:23  <xorAxAx> felixw: any problems?
2006-07-08T15:28:42  <Kepplar> ThomasWaldmann: i really think mimetype object is ineffectively coded.I think the best course of action is to leave mimetype how it is in storage and later migrate it to wikiutils (well or a serpate mimtype module - personally I really hate generic library modules)
2006-07-08T15:36:57  <felixw> xorAxAx: Nope, everything fine till now.
2006-07-08T15:37:45  <felixw> Maybe using mimetypes is not such a good idea at all?  I see plenty of types that are just MoinMoin's custom "MIME types" and not real MIME types.
2006-07-08T15:37:53  <felixw> So maybe going with a custom system might be better...
2006-07-08T15:37:59  <felixw> Just poking around with the idea.
2006-07-08T15:40:09  <xorAxAx> felixw: yeah, a few months ago, the formatter system was unrelated to all kinds of mimetype stuff
2006-07-08T16:04:44  <Kepplar> tbh all this custom mimetype stuff should be done outside storage
2006-07-08T16:04:52  <Kepplar> in a formatter really i think
2006-07-08T16:05:07  <Kepplar> tbh im not a fan of even wiki shorthand
2006-07-08T16:05:16  <Kepplar> er
2006-07-08T16:05:18  <Kepplar> wiki syntax
2006-07-08T16:09:34  <Kepplar> i think moin should get multipart/mixed support
2006-07-08T16:20:13  <xorAxAx> LOL
2006-07-08T16:20:56  <Kepplar> ?
2006-07-08T16:21:58  <xorAxAx> you dont want to marshal in actual structures
2006-07-08T16:22:04  <xorAxAx> s/l s/l mime s/
2006-07-08T16:22:24  <Kepplar> ?
2006-07-08T16:22:28  <Kepplar> s/l?
2006-07-08T16:22:50  <xorAxAx> Kepplar: man sed
2006-07-08T16:24:49  <Kepplar> what i mean is multi format on the same page
2006-07-08T16:25:22  <ThomasWaldmann> Kepplar: maybe try solving the problems there, not inventing new ones
2006-07-08T16:25:39  <Kepplar> there are problems? :P
2006-07-08T16:25:58  <Kepplar> and its not problem
2006-07-08T16:26:00  <Kepplar> its opportunity ;)
2006-07-08T17:21:21  <felixw> xorAxAx: Can you off the top of your head answer the following questions:  1. What's the difference between `code_area` and `preformatted` -- is it purely semantic, or is there a structural difference?  2. Could a `preformatted` element legally contain a `code_area` (or vice versa)?
2006-07-08T17:22:04  <xorAxAx> felixw: semantic, the first one gets JS etc., no
2006-07-08T18:49:25  <Kepplar> er
2006-07-08T18:49:29  <Kepplar> i dont understand
2006-07-08T18:49:32  <Kepplar> i keep falling asleep
2006-07-08T19:29:33  <Kepplar> hmm
2006-07-08T19:29:38  <Kepplar> this bits so fiddily
2006-07-08T21:47:59  <fpletz> ThomasWaldmann: I'll go to bed shortly, just come back from a day trip to munich.. yeah, seems like a bug in my (quick & dirty, as promised ;)) code. this shouldn't have gone into main, though
2006-07-08T21:48:23  <fpletz> thanks for the info though, I'll fix this and the whole code tomorrow
2006-07-08T21:48:48  <ThomasWaldmann> thanks. sleep well. we are still at CERN and hacking. :)
2006-07-08T21:57:17  <fpletz> great, happy hacking and gn8 ;)
2006-07-08T23:26:16  <Kepplar> hey
2006-07-08T23:26:50  <Kepplar> does there exist a function in wikiutils or similar that checks to see if a given string/unicode/whatever is valid WikiNameSyntax
2006-07-08T23:26:53  <Kepplar> ?
2006-07-08T23:26:55  <Kepplar> (if not im doing it)
2006-07-08T23:30:25  <ThomasWaldmann> you mean CamelCase?
2006-07-08T23:32:11  <Kepplar> yea
2006-07-08T23:32:16  <Kepplar> is numbers valid?
2006-07-08T23:32:30  <Kepplar> i just thought about an uber project too (not moin related0
2006-07-08T23:32:43  <Kepplar> like crypto-bittorrent
2006-07-08T23:32:58  <Kepplar> but with out of bounds signalling
2006-07-08T23:33:03  <Kepplar> like SS7
2006-07-08T23:33:29  <Kepplar> hmm might be hard to come up with a design
2006-07-08T23:34:19  <Kepplar> (idea is to remove the need to know about the other client ip address, signalling would be server/client architecture, and since its not data its not illegal)
2006-07-08T23:34:49  <ThomasWaldmann> for the CamelCase question: look into the Wiki Parser, word_re or similar and then search there it is referred
2006-07-08T23:34:59  <Kepplar> ok
2006-07-08T23:35:06  <Kepplar> ill commit todays changes when im done
2006-07-08T23:35:16  <Kepplar> (Well last two days actually, forgot to commit yesterday)
2006-07-08T23:39:10  <ThomasWaldmann> gn
2006-07-08T23:39:15  <Kepplar> nn

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2006-07-08 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:07:55 by localhost)