2006-06-21T00:05:44  <fpletz> moin
2006-06-21T00:06:20  <fpletz> ThomasWaldmann: great, will do ;)
2006-06-21T00:08:18  <ThomasWaldmann> fpletz: includiing a minor bugfix for xap stuff
2006-06-21T00:08:41  <fpletz> saw the changeset.. silly c&p error ;)
2006-06-21T00:08:44  <fpletz> thanks
2006-06-21T00:09:33  <ThomasWaldmann> the filters also had their first "real life is mean" test today
2006-06-21T00:11:09  <ThomasWaldmann> next thing i have to do is some email stuff, some mig tool for _, and nofollow stuff
2006-06-21T01:18:54  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: how will you handle CDATA problems?
2006-06-21T01:19:03  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: escape the wiki markup?
2006-06-21T01:19:37  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: and you need to define line break semantics for that parser and hope that the wiki parser is stable for that (generating <para> tags)
2006-06-21T01:20:20  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: if you have large blocks enclosed by an unsupported tag then you will have a page nearly consisting of xml
2006-06-21T02:03:29  <xorAxAx> and esp. the last problem needs a solution, how would you tackle it?
2006-06-21T02:24:28  <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: there are pages with broken acls on moinmaster
2006-06-21T02:24:35  <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: for example PágineInicial
2006-06-21T02:24:52  <xorAxAx> PáginaInicial even
2006-06-21T09:32:17  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Define cdata problems? There is no need to escape wiki markup, as it gets passed as is.
2006-06-21T09:32:39  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: I don't think you see what I mean.
2006-06-21T09:32:49  <mvirkkil> The wiki parser will feed everyhing inside a {{{
2006-06-21T09:33:09  <mvirkkil> }}} block, so that works already.
2006-06-21T09:34:23  <mvirkkil> And as _everything_ inside such a block gets passed as is, there shouldn't be any problems as long as that codeblock doesn't contain either {{{
2006-06-21T09:34:28  <mvirkkil> or }}}
2006-06-21T09:35:37  <mvirkkil> So there is no need to do anything special, as long as the contents of the codeblock is a balanced xml fragemnt (balanced==all opened tags are also closed).
2006-06-21T10:27:28  <Kepplar> moin
2006-06-21T10:31:03  <mvirkkil> Kepplar: moin
2006-06-21T10:31:43  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Hmm.. Were you reading the Step 5. documentation or the PassThroughBlocks documentation?
2006-06-21T10:32:03  <mvirkkil> I guess I should really update the Step 5. documentation.
2006-06-21T11:10:29  <Kepplar> anyone recommend me a wifi card (not a chipset, i know what chipsets, just the revision number of a card have different ones and i can't specify a rev when i buy it :P) which is supported under linux without stupid wrappers and whatnot
2006-06-21T11:10:33  <Kepplar> ?
2006-06-21T11:20:58  <ThomasWaldmann> the card makers use to mess this up, so this changes weekly. wish you luck.
2006-06-21T11:51:05  * ThomasWaldmann wrote a simple sitemap action for google sitemaps (text format)
2006-06-21T13:31:46  <Kepplar> lol
2006-06-21T13:31:52  <Kepplar> i just went with linksys at the end
2006-06-21T13:31:58  <Kepplar> ill figure it out
2006-06-21T14:15:53  <Kepplar> ThomasWaldmann: you there?
2006-06-21T15:52:48  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: ?
2006-06-21T15:53:01  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: you need to escape cdata sections to contain xml entitites
2006-06-21T15:53:17  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: and the other issue with that "page is completly xml" - how do you solve it?
2006-06-21T16:39:54  <Kepplar> dododo
2006-06-21T16:40:07  <Kepplar> dodo actually appopiete
2006-06-21T16:40:12  <Kepplar> where the hell is everyone? :P
2006-06-21T16:40:46  <xorAxAx> not in europe :)
2006-06-21T16:40:46  <xorAxAx> not in europe :)/win 23
2006-06-21T16:40:51  <xorAxAx> oops
2006-06-21T16:44:34  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: "page is completely xml"? Are we talking about the same stuff?
2006-06-21T16:45:05  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: The idea is to have the xml fragments contained only in the {{{#xmlpassthrough <here></here> }}} blocks.
2006-06-21T16:45:09  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: assume that a large part of wiki markup is enclosed with xml tags that are not suuported by tyour toolchain
2006-06-21T16:45:11  <Kepplar> i know you're not
2006-06-21T16:45:14  <Kepplar> :P
2006-06-21T16:45:29  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: That would _not_ be supported in any way.
2006-06-21T16:45:38  <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: then you have a page completly consisting pof xmk
2006-06-21T16:45:38  <xorAxAx> ok
2006-06-21T16:45:44  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: XML could be incorporated within wikimarkup, but _not_ the other way around.
2006-06-21T16:46:02  <xorAxAx> then still, you need to use escaping or cdata tags
2006-06-21T16:46:17  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Where?
2006-06-21T16:46:38  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Inside the {{{ }}}-blocks?
2006-06-21T16:46:52  <xorAxAx> yeds!
2006-06-21T16:47:02  <xorAxAx> yes
2006-06-21T16:47:36  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: In cases where this wouldn't be needed if we were talking about "regular"-xml prosessing from a file?
2006-06-21T16:48:00  <xorAxAx> ?
2006-06-21T16:48:09  <xorAxAx> i am tlaking about this:
2006-06-21T16:48:17  <xorAxAx> {{{#!mvxml
2006-06-21T16:48:34  <xorAxAx> <para>&lt;foo&gt; foo</para>
2006-06-21T16:48:35  <xorAxAx> }}}
2006-06-21T16:49:44  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: why is that a problem? It would get passed to a real xml parser as "<para>&lt;foo&gt; foo</para>" and it would be completely ok (whel, prepending some xml declaration etc.
2006-06-21T16:50:32  <xorAxAx> of course. but it looks ugly :)
2006-06-21T16:51:47  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: But that's _only_ the case for stuff you have to escape to have valid xml (<,> and &).
2006-06-21T16:52:08  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Other than that, it looks "pretty"?
2006-06-21T16:52:15  <xorAxAx> or &quot;
2006-06-21T16:52:23  <xorAxAx> no :)
2006-06-21T16:53:04  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: But that is really the problem of who ever wants to pass xml from the wiki to the target document.
2006-06-21T16:53:23  <xorAxAx> yes
2006-06-21T16:53:30  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: passing xml cannot be any prettier than xml is.
2006-06-21T16:53:44  <xorAxAx> yeah
2006-06-21T16:53:49  <mvirkkil> ok. :)
2006-06-21T17:21:40  <Kepplar> you tried plotting it then? :P
2006-06-21T17:26:02  <mvirkkil> Kepplar: ?
2006-06-21T17:26:10  <Kepplar> plotting graph, pretty
2006-06-21T17:26:22  <Kepplar> , between plotting and graph
2006-06-21T17:26:44  <mvirkkil> ok
2006-06-21T17:26:54  <mvirkkil> no
2006-06-21T18:31:05  <ThomasWaldmann> Kepplar: i am here for 15 minutes
2006-06-21T21:40:11  <Kepplar> moin
2006-06-21T22:01:56  <mvirkkil> Any ideas for how I can add support for admonitions like tip, note, warning etc to moinmoin?
2006-06-21T22:02:17  <Kepplar> no idea
2006-06-21T22:02:18  <mvirkkil> And admonition consists of a title or summary, and a body which can be a list or text etc.
2006-06-21T22:02:23  <Kepplar> might be mechanistic
2006-06-21T22:02:55  <mvirkkil> A regular macro doesn't give me the option for highlighted text :(
2006-06-21T22:03:50  <mvirkkil> One horrible way would be to add two macros: StartAdmonition(type, title) and EndAdmonition() and any wikisyntax parsed in between would be used as body.
2006-06-21T22:04:03  <mvirkkil> Or at least I think it's pretty nasty.
2006-06-21T22:04:48  <mvirkkil> Using some include magic to get them from a separate page isn't nice, because admonitions are supposed to appear inline, and they are generally quite short.
2006-06-21T22:04:54  <mvirkkil> Any ideas at all?
2006-06-21T22:05:19  <mvirkkil> And their body and generally the summary too, is unique.
2006-06-21T22:07:33  <mvirkkil> Hmm. We could get away with one macro which when called as Admonition(type,title) would start the admonition, and when called as Admonition() would end it.
2006-06-21T22:07:42  <mvirkkil> This is similar to how FootNote works atm.-
2006-06-21T22:08:17  <mvirkkil> but that's horrible too.
2006-06-21T22:08:24  <mvirkkil> ThomasWaldmann: --^
2006-06-21T22:08:27  <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: --^
2006-06-21T22:09:31  <mvirkkil> Wikipadia uses admonitions a lot for "meta" information like "This article is a stub. Please help by expanding it".
2006-06-21T22:11:01  <mvirkkil> But with their use, the contents of the admonitions are static, which is a limitation my implementation can't have.
2006-06-21T22:15:53  <Kepplar> is it possible to do a __str__ of a class?
2006-06-21T22:15:57  <Kepplar> ThomasWaldmann: ^
2006-06-21T22:16:17  <Kepplar> (might be useful for searching for mimetype handles installed on a system
2006-06-21T22:17:56  <mvirkkil> Kepplar: If you want to know if an object has a method you can use hasattr(object, "methodname")
2006-06-21T23:10:25  <mvirkkil> Hmm.. Specifying content_only=1 in Page causes that the formatter's startDocument doesn't get called (seems like the right thing to me), but endDocument still gets called! Is this a bug?
2006-06-21T23:14:21  <mvirkkil> Yup, it's a bug.
2006-06-21T23:15:18  <mvirkkil> the call to endDocument should be moved one line down, to be inside the "if not content_only:"
2006-06-21T23:21:07  *** irc.freenode.net sets mode: +o ChanServ
2006-06-21T23:26:30  <mvirkkil> ThomasWaldmann: I'm going to re-implement the Include macro next week. I'll rename the current macro to OldInclude and make the TOC macro use that instead. This way I can first implement the Include macro, without breaking the TOC macro.
2006-06-21T23:27:15  <mvirkkil> I'll be gone the rest of this week.
2006-06-21T23:29:30  <mvirkkil> Well, after tomorrow afternoon, I'll be gone for the rest of this week.
2006-06-21T23:33:49  <mvirkkil> I need a proper Include macro, so that existing pages don't need to be changed, and so that I can fix the content_only without breaking the Include macro.
2006-06-21T23:35:54  <mvirkkil> My current problem is this: I need to fix the content_only in Page.py so that it doesn't close the document, but I can't do that since my workaround for the current Include macro uses that brokenness. And I need to support a macro called Include that does what it should, so that existing pages won't need to be changed :/
2006-06-21T23:45:27  <mvirkkil> If anyone is very strongly opposed to this approach, please let me know as soon as possible.

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2006-06-21 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:49 by localhost)