
The "For more help, see HelpOnEditing or SyntaxReference." in the Edit page was referencing my old URL.

Steps to reproduce

  1. When using MoinMoin with Apache and mod_python, change the prefix of your wiki data files in your Apache *.conf file. I believe this is similar to changing the url_prefix in your

<Location /mywikiWithProfessionalName>
  PythonPath "[r'C:\\mymoin\\mywiki1.0'] + sys.path"

<Location /mywiki>
  PythonPath "[r'C:\\mymoin\\mywiki1.0'] + sys.path"
  1. Go to any page in your wiki and Edit it.
  2. Click on HelpOnEditing or SyntaxReference in the text "For more help, see HelpOnEditing or SyntaxReference." Notice that the URL is broken.


No public example.

Component selection


MoinMoin Version

Release 1.5.8 [Revision release]

OS and Version

Microsoft Windows XP SP2

Python Version

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]

Server Setup

Apache 2.0.x + ModPython

Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)



Delete all files in your <<mywiki>>/data/cache/i18n

(confirmed one success applying this workaround -- ShangWenCheng 2007-06-21 19:58:31)


This problem is similar to MoinMoinBugs/EditorHelpCacheNotUpdatedOnUrlPrefixChange and MoinMoinBugs/CacheFileRecordsOldUrl. I tried the "moin maint cleancache" as mentioned in the discussion but it does not work.

If possible, please describe and document how to "delete the cache". I needed to know how to delete the cache but there was no information in the documentation or cursory MoinMoin searches or Google searches ("moinmoin delete cache" or "moinmoin refresh cache" or "moinmoin invalidate cache").

Please write documentation about how to delete the cache manually and place it in somewhere suitable like a FAQ (?). Here is a sample:


You may need or want to delete the cache of your MoinMoin wiki, for example, when the prefix of your wiki changes or you want to compact your backup.

Official method:

  1. Backup your Wiki!
  2. Open a command-line window.
  3. Change the directory to your wiki directory (it has the file)
  4. Use the command line tool "" to run the "maint cleancache" command.

 <<your python install>>/Lib/site-packages/moinmoin/script/ --wiki-url=localhost/mywiki maint cleancache
 python <<your python install>>\Lib\site-packages\moinmoin\script\ --wiki-url=localhost/mywiki maint cleancache

Unofficial method:

  1. (FIXME! UNTESTED!) Delete the data/cache directory in your wiki. (FIXME! UNTESTED!)
  2. (Alternatively) Delete all files in your directory <<mywiki>>/data/cache/i18n (experience: my installation has one English i18n file, and after deleting that file and revisiting an edit page on the affected wiki, the links are fixed.) -- ShangWenCheng 2007-06-21 19:58:31

    • see the moin .... maint cleancache command -- ReimarBauer 2007-06-21 21:52:33

    • I did use the moin maint cleancache command, but it only deleted cached pages under the data/pages/ directory, and NOT the cache/i18n/en file (using version 1.10.0 of MoinMoin) -- ShangWenCheng 2007-06-22 06:03:49




MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/i18nCacheNotUpdatedOnUrlPrefixChange (last edited 2008-03-18 19:51:14 by JohannesBerg)