
I will get an exact step by step description soon, with screenshots of the error, once I go back to work. Don't pay attention to this page until I've explained it well. Don't want anyone to waste their time.

<!> I tried to create more clear description, I hope it is correct

When you login as username, clicking on your username link in the top of the page will take you to you home page named UserName. However, you can't save or preview the page because of "missing lock file".

If you login as UserName, there is no problem to save the page.

Steps to reproduce

<!> I tried to describe the steps based on the unclear description.

  1. register as username
  2. while logined as username, create a page UserName

  3. Try to save or preview

Expected behavior: page saved or previewed

Actual behavior: got an error: "missing lock file"



MoinMoin Version

moin 1.3.4

OS and Version

any Windows

Python Version

Python 2.4.x

Server Setup

Apache 2.0.48

Server Details


Delete the UserName(2f)MoinEditorBackup folder from the pages folder. Seems to work after this.


I can't reprocude the problem on Mac OS X, which handle the names in a similar way. But since the description of the error is not clear, maybe I did not try the correct steps. -- NirSoffer 2005-05-22 10:48:32

The reporter disappeared :) Ohter windows users are invited to reproduce this before we close the bug.

I think this error happens if you stop the preview processing because there is no finally statement. I do not see any relation to case-insensitive handling of folders. Cannot be reproduced on WIndows XP.

Can you reproduce by rasing an exception at the correct point?



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/WindowsCaseProblem (last edited 2007-10-29 19:16:09 by localhost)