
Running 1.3.4 on Debian from the debian package. TWikiDrawPlugin installed. Same jar from this wiki.

-rw-r--r--  1 andy andy 188704 2005-01-09 11:48 twikidraw.jar
16467bc73195fa834fb6030b090a72de  twikidraw.jar

applet runs, but will not save pages. Log dump shows that no filename is passed in the POST requests.

Same browser and JDK works on this site. (Release 1.3.5rc1 [Revision patch-868])

The task is to check with current moin 1.6 if you can reproduce this bug.

The expected work amount for this task is 10h. It has to be completed in 7 days.

Steps to reproduce

  1. install debian moin 1.3.4 package
  2. copy down twikidraw.jar into /usr/share/moin/htdocs/applets/TWikiDrawPlugin
  3. try to create a drawing.


Attached is a tcpdump of the "save and Exit" twikidraw request

MoinMoin Version

debian 1.3.4

OS and Version

Debian stable (sarge)

Python Version

2.3.5 (#2, May 4 2005, 08:51:39) [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-12)]

Server Setup

apache2 moin.cgi

Server Details




Can you still reproduce this error? Could you give me some more details about your client? I have been trying to reproduce this bug on debian with latest (from testing) moin 1.5.8, but I could not reproduce it. Can you try to do this and tell if the bug still exists? If yes, don't forget to post more details about your client/server and also what software is used! -- ErnestasLiubarskij

As I can't reproduce the bug with the latest available in Debian moin 1.5.8, I am closing this bug for now. Here's the screenshot that I have taken in Debian while running moin 1.5.8 which demostrates that drawings are correctly saved and no errors occur: screenshot.png. If you still can reproduce it, please reopen it and post all details as requested in my previous comment. -- ErnestasLiubarskij

Running on debian moin 1.5.8 I don't see this issue anymore. I'm running java 1.6.0_03-b05 so both moin and java have been updated. - TimRiker



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/TWikiDrawOnDebian (last edited 2008-05-01 20:22:06 by ThomasWaldmann)