Is this not a "design problem" of the mimetypes? should not exist a separate major mimetype for wiki pages or do I mix here something togethes whats not right... I had this in my mind:

It is not that easy. You can set any parser as format for a page. And some of them aren't wiki pages in the term of just having a different syntax for content. There is also another FR where we think on using major mimetypes for the search form. May be move it to that discussion. Also some parsers have already existing mimetypes, e.g. csv. mimetype=text is used as file type for all text files from the findpage form. -- ReimarBauer 2009-11-18 17:27:05

I think, there is no need in separate mimetype namespace (because, in a fact, page in rst and attachment in rst have the same mime). Instead, i can propose an is_attach: option (and/or prefix), which determine, should (should not, sould only) attachments be included in search results, and some configuration option for defaults (and for defaults for different actions, like PageList, Include, FullSearch, ...) -- EugeneSyromyatnikov 2009-11-18 18:21:29

MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/PageListTooVerbose/Discussion (last edited 2009-11-18 18:21:29 by EugeneSyromyatnikov)