
I just edited the MacroMarket page in this wiki so as to give an answer to a question. It took me quite some time to type in the answer. I tried to save. However saving of the page did not work. The screen ouput seemed to be unchanged. Opening RecentChanges in another browser windows showed me, that someone else has edited the page in the meanwhile and saved it successfully. Indeed I could find some "edit-conflict" text in the input field. However there was no warning for "You have an edit conflict!!". Saving for the first time did not work. However if I had hit "preview" I would have had an error message "Be careful. Someone else edited the page while you edited it".

Steps to reproduce

  1. From computer A open a page an start to edit it.
  2. From computer B open the same page, ignore the edit conflict warning, edit the page in the same area as on computer A (so as to produce an edit conflict). Save the page.
  3. On computer A now hit "Save changes". This won't work. You will also not get any error message. You will just find the edit conflict signs in the page text. You were not prompted that there is a conflict nor to solve this conflict.
  4. Do the same procedure again: in step 3 instead of hitting "Save changes" hit "Preview". You will get a nice error message: "Edit conflict: Someone else edited the page..".


Component selection


This wiki



  1. It would be nice to have also an error message when hitting "Save changes" and not only "Preview"
  2. It would be nice to write the important part of the message in bold and not just normal typo:"Some edited the while you were editing it!! blablabla"



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/NoMsgForEditConflict (last edited 2008-06-07 18:55:47 by OliverSiemoneit)