
Page names with spaces can not be shortened by using [long_page_name label] syntax within user preferences quicklinks. The link become "page name label" and leads to the non existing page "long".



This wiki




The problem caused by saving pagenames in quoted form, using current wiki name quoting/unquoting for file system. " " spaces are replaced to "_" on save, and "_" are replaced to spaces on load. So when you write "_" in the name, you actually get " ", and the name is not parsed properly in ThemeBase.navibar link parser.

Solutions: Saving page names as utf-8 strings, with no quoting. Replace all spaces with "_" but not replace them back when reading from file, and send the names with "_" to navibar link parser. Since the we treat "_" as space, both links will work.

Another solution could be requiring quoting for pagename with spaces, in this syntax: ["long page name" label]

Long term solution is adding the missing syntax to our link syntax, but this will have to wait for 1.4.

Fixed by saving page lists in user data as tab separated lists, and not changing "_" in [name_with_spaces label] names until the page name is handled in the ThemeBase.splitNavilink.



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/NavilnksWithSpaces (last edited 2007-10-29 19:11:00 by localhost)