
Using the GUI editor links to Wiki pages with an anchor are destroyed:


[[Section1/Page1#Anchor|My link]]


[[#Anchor|My link]]

Test: My link

Strange in this installation the Link remains intact.

Component selection


MoinMoin Version

Version 1.9.2

OS and Version


Python Version


Server Setup


Server Details


Language you are using the wiki in

happens with English and German

Server Details

Global Macros

AbandonedPages, Action, AdvancedSearch, AttachInfo, AttachList, BR, EditTemplates, EditedSystemPages, EmbedObject, FootNote, FullSearch, FullSearchCached, GetText, GetText2, HighlighterList, Hits, Include, InterWiki, LikePages, MonthCalendar, Navigation, NewPage, OrphanedPages, PageCount, PageHits, PageList, PageSize, RandomPage, RandomQuote, RecentChanges, ShowSmileys, StatsChart, SystemAdmin, SystemInfo, TableOfContents, TeudView, Verbatim, WantedPages, WikiConfig, WikiConfigHelp

Local Macros


Global Actions

AttachFile, DeletePage, Despam, LikePages, Load, LocalSiteMap, PackagePages, RenamePage, Save, SlideShow, SpellCheck, SubscribeUser, SyncPages, anywikidraw, backup, bookmark, cache, chart, diff, edit, fckdialog, fullsearch, info, language_setup, links, login, logout, newaccount, newpage, pollsistersites, quicklink, quickunlink, recoverpass, refresh, revert, rss_rc, serveopenid, showtags, sisterpages, sitemap, subscribe, supplementation, thread_monitor, titleindex, twikidraw, unsubscribe, userprefs, userprofile

Global parsers

highlight, text, text_cplusplus, text_creole, text_csv, text_diff, text_docbook, text_html, text_irssi, text_java, text_moin_wiki, text_pascal, text_python, text_rst, text_xslt



If you can't reproduce in this wiki then may be it is fixed in the recent moin version or in the upcoming 1.9.4

JP_Moin: I just realized an may be important fact: This happens all on a Wiki page named Section1. Therefore there is a Wiki page with the same name like the category which may confuse the URL parser of the GUI editor.

2011-03-21 (JP_Moin):



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/GuiEditorTruncatesWikilinksWithAnchors (last edited 2011-03-21 12:31:07 by JP_Moin)