Testcase for MoinMoinBugs/GuiEditorRenameLink:

Here are some links:

  1. This is a test (Link should be "This is a test")

  2. is a test (Link should be "is a test")

  3. a test (Link should be "a test")

  4. test (Link should be "test")

  5. This is a test (Link should be "This is a test")

Now just open this page with the GUI-editor and hit "Preview". The fourth link has lost his link text... This seems to happen if the link text is just a single world and equals the last word of the linked wiki page. This is extremly annoying if you use such constructs in sentences.

/!\ Please do not save this page then! /!\

MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/GuiEditorRenameLink/TestPage (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:57 by localhost)