The "gui edit" option is missing after upgrading 1.5beta5 to 1.5beta6.

After setting my "Editor Preference" to "gui", and "Editor shown on UI" to "preferred", the 'edit(text)' changed to 'edit'. However, it still invokes a text editor. I have tried to set these two options with different values, but still unable to get the 'Edit(GUI)'.

I then tried my best to check the internal codes of Moin. I replaced the 'textonly' with 'guipossible' which located at line 1077 of MoinMoin/theme/, arbitrarily.

     if self.showBothEditLinks() and guiworks:
            text = _('Edit (Text)', formatted=False)
            params = params + 'text'
            attrs = 'name="texteditlink"'
            text = _('Edit', formatted=False)
            if guiworks:
                # 'textonly' will be upgraded dynamically to 'guipossible' by JS
                - params = params + 'textonly'
                + params = params + 'guipossible'
                attrs = 'name="editlink"'
                params = params + 'text'
                attrs = 'name="texteditlink"'

After this small modification, I activated the gui editor successful, with my "Editor Preference" set to 'gui' and "Editor shown on UI" set to 'the one preferred'. However, I still not able to show both edit mode(text and gui) simultaneously with 'free-choice'.

/!\ Please check your JS files. The gui edit link is added by Javascript if your browser is able to execute JS (and the gui editor).

Also add info about browser version you are using. Check if JS is enabled.

If there is no more info on this bug, we have to close it as we can't reproduce it.

/!\ I had the same problem when I upgraded from 1.3 to 1.5 but it turned out that the new js files were automatically installed into /usr/share/... and the previous version was in /usr/local/share/... so my Apache alias for /wiki/ was to the version 1.3 directory instead of the new 1.5 directory. Anyway, the fix was to change the alias in httpd.conf and restart apache. Hope that helps. (Nate)


MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/GuiEditorMissing (last edited 2014-11-02 13:56:47 by p4FF15F27)