
GUI Editor fails saving or previewing pages if there's a commented out row in a table.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a table in Text Editor with one row, commented out
  2. Save it
  3. Open it in GUI Editor
  4. Click save or preview
  5. You get: process_table: Don't support pre element


|| a1 || b1 || c1 ||
## || a2 || b2 || c2 ||
|| a3 || b3 || c3 ||


This Wiki



The problem also occurs if any comments are placed after the table, without following rows. In this case, a workaround is to put [[BR]] between the table and the comments (this, of course, produces an empty line).


|| Blah, blah ||
|| Blah, blah ||
## Kommentar
## Kommentar

The question is how to solve this best, esp. for the case of a comment within a table.

This somehow splits the table into 2 parts (the comment is not part of the table, but we must render it somehow to html).

If we did split the table into 2 html tables with a pre in between for the comment, saving would likely produce something like:

|| foo || bar ||

## comment

|| bar || foo ||



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/GuiEditorFailsWithCommentsBeforeTableRows (last edited 2010-12-17 20:01:23 by ThomasWaldmann)