
Describe the bug...

Steps to reproduce

In the text editor, create something like:

||A foo||
||A bar||

||B foo||
||B bar||

This will render as 2 tables, with a small space between them.

Now, edit it in the GUI editor...

Switching to/from the GUI editor loses the line between the 2 tables, joining them.

Using anything but the simple line feed (i.e., the BR macro), does not render the same, but makes a much larger gap.


None yet. Tried BR macro or multiple lines or putting in something else, none behaves the same way as a simple blank line between tables (in the text editor) (which is destroyed by the GUI editor).


In 1.6dev this seems already be fixed please try your example at Please reopen the bug report again if not. -- ReimarBauer 2007-04-13 19:37:42



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/GuiEditorCannotHandleLFBetweenTables (last edited 2007-10-29 19:13:27 by localhost)