
New category members aren't detected by [[FullSearch(CategoryFoo)]]   until the server process is restarted.

Steps to reproduce

  1. create CategoryFoo page

  2. on AnyPage, add: [[FullSearch(CategoryFoo)]]  

  3. create RandomPage that contains text CategoryFoo

  4. return to AnyPage -- become surprised that it doesn't show RandomPage. even with browser refresh

  5. stop moin.exe
  6. start moin.exe
  7. discover that RandomPage is now shown any AnyPage




I note that I also have the same failed login problem mentioned on:

and wonder if they are related.

MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

WinXP Pro SP2, browsing with Firefox 1.5

Python Version


Server Setup


Server Details

default config, FAT32!


Do not use FAT32.


FAT32 does not update directory modification times recursively. And some parts of Moin rely on that.

I had the same problem and I found that FAT32 is the core of the problem. When I moved Wiki to the NTFS partition, all worked fine.

The question now is whether we rather consider this a moin or a FAT32 bug. And what the options are for moin.

(!) Please note 1.5.2-1 is outdated. The last version was 1.5.9. There won't be no more other SecurityFixes for 1.5. Please upgrade to a recent version if you like bug and security fixes. Since this patch in 1.7 this is fixed by using a method which is not based alone on the filesystems mtime. Before that patch if file updates happen faster than the file system's mtime granularity, the modification was not detectable because the mtime was still the same. -- ReimarBauer 2008-11-12 03:14:24



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/FullSearchShowsStaleData (last edited 2008-11-12 03:16:03 by ReimarBauer)