
I am sorry I am not really sure that below is a bug, but I need help and do not know where can I ask for it except MoinMoinBugs. I have DesktopEdition installed and it works. I have fast access to it from my machine (which is the server) and from any machine in my network.

The problem is that after clicking "edit" button or "save" button on my machine I have wait just for a second (or less) to get a result but after clicking "edit" button or "save" button on any machine in my network I have wait for around 30 seconds to get a result.

As you can understand, this is too slow and makes using MoinMoin very difficult. I understand that the problem may be in my settings or in network setting or in something else (not in MoinMoin itself I mean) but I can`t find any information how can I fix this problem (I tried). So I would very like to get help here. Please help.

Here is my details.

All machines use Windows. Japanese version. And MoinMoin`s language is also japanese.

Python version: 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

MoinMoin version: 1.8.4

Number of pages: 132

Pages size: 2948.6 KiB

Global macro: AbandonedPages, Action, AdvancedSearch, AttachInfo, AttachList, BR, EditTemplates, EditedSystemPages, EmbedObject, FootNote, FullSearch, FullSearchCached, GetText, GetText2, Hits, Include, InterWiki, LikePages, MonthCalendar, Navigation, NewPage, OrphanedPages, PageCount, PageHits, PageList, PageSize, RandomPage, RandomQuote, RecentChanges, ShowSmileys, StatsChart, SystemAdmin, SystemInfo, TableOfContents, TeudView, Verbatim, WantedPages, WikiConfig, WikiConfigHelp

Local macro: Color2

Global action: AttachFile, DeletePage, Despam, LikePages, Load, LocalSiteMap, PackagePages, RenamePage, RenderAsDocbook, Save, SpellCheck, SubscribeUser, SyncPages, backup, bookmark, cache, chart, diff, dumpform, edit, fckdialog, fullsearch, info, links, login, logout, newaccount, newpage, pollsistersites, quicklink, quickunlink, recoverpass, refresh, revert, rss_rc, serveopenid, showtags, sisterpages, sitemap, subscribe, supplementation, thread_monitor, titleindex, unsubscribe, userprefs, userprofile

Global server: text, text_cplusplus, text_creole, text_csv, text_diff, text_docbook, text_html, text_irssi, text_java, text_moin_wiki, text_pascal, text_python, text_rst, text_xslt

Local server: raw

I also changed such parameters like acl_rights_default, page_front_page, superuse, tz_offset, theme_default, but I don`t think it is related with the problem.


Moin does reverse DNS lookups when some editor saves a page/attachment so it can write his dns name (e.g. into the log file. If reverse DNS lookups are broken for your network, it might take a rather long time until the lookup times out.

You can either fix DNS reverse lookups or switch it off in moin (moin will log only the IP then):

    log_reverse_dns_lookups = False

Not related to your problem, but just wanted to note: moin 1.8.6 is out :)



You may want to ask questions on MoinMoinQuestions. If you file a bug please use the BugTemplate page. ReimarBauer/Photo/img.png -- ReimarBauer 2009-12-16 10:13:12



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/DesktopEditionVerySlowNetworkAccess (last edited 2009-12-16 10:13:13 by ReimarBauer)