
parser thinks two colons in a code block signify a definition list. Also the wiki engine may crash at some point, when an unordered list point follows this misinterpreted dl

Steps to reproduce

Have this code:

* not intending a {{{class
hello}}} definition list here
  • this point kills the parser
  • First, but minor severe it renders wrong, see also

    More importantly, do the following to make your engine crash:

    1. edit in text mode
    2. switch to GUI mode
    3. switch back to edit mode -> internal server error 500, error raised in MoinMoin/converter/ line 642 (1.9.4)


    Component selection


    MoinMoin Version

    1.8.4 , 1.9.4

    OS and Version


    Python Version

    2.5 , 2.6

    Server Setup

    Server Details

    Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)


    doesn't seem to be one

    Even the "backtick" syntax doesn't help in this case:

     * not intending a `class :: hello` definition list here
     * this point kills the parser


    * not intending a `class
    hello` definition list here
  • this point kills the parser
  • I imagine that the problem is the "pattern hierarchy": quoted regions should conceal things like :: from patterns that cause definition lists to be produced, but maybe this isn't present in the part of the grammar dealing with lists, where once a line starting with a space and containing :: is seen, the parser just takes everything between as a definition title item without detecting whether the :: is quoted in some way. -- PaulBoddie 2013-03-01 13:07:31




    MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/CodeBlockDefinitionListParseConflict (last edited 2013-03-01 13:07:31 by PaulBoddie)