
This has annoyed me forever. When you are finished with a page and save it, you get the 'thank you' message. All messages of course contain the 'Clear message' link, and that one always contains ?action=show. That hinders copying the URL after that because you can't just select all but have to take care to strip off the ?action=show.

It'd be good if that ?action=show could be removed, and here's a patch to do so:

diff -r c31126b9733d MoinMoin/theme/
--- a/MoinMoin/theme/        Wed Jul 19 23:41:01 2006 +0100
+++ b/MoinMoin/theme/        Wed Jul 19 23:45:41 2006 +0100
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ class ThemeBase:
             # Render simple strings with a close link
             close = d['page'].link_to(self.request,
                                       text=_('Clear message'),
-                                      querystr={'action': 'show'})
+                                      querystr={})
             html = u'<p>%s</p>\n<div class="buttons">%s</div>\n' % (msg, close) 
             # msg is a widget


action=show is there for a reason - it let you show redirect pages after you edit them. Without it, you will be redirected to the target page after you save.

A better solution is to remove the message, or make it much smaller so you don't have to close it, or close it by javascript (if available).



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/ClearMessageNeedsNoAction (last edited 2007-10-29 19:21:16 by localhost)