
It looks to me that the user settings remember_me is broken in 1.9

From HelpOnSessions:

Cookie lifetime in hours, can be fractional. First tuple element is for anonymous sessions, second tuple element is for logged-in sessions. For anonymous sessions, t=0 means that they are disabled, t>0 means that many hours. For logged-in sessions, t>0 means that many hours, or forever if user checked 'remember_me', t<0 means -t hours and ignore user 'remember_me' setting - you usually don't want to use t=0, it disables logged-in sessions.

I have checked 'remember_me' in my settings on master19 and I am always logged off after 12h.

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user_obj.remember_me is not used in 1.9

   1 +def _get_session_lifetime(request, userobj):
   2 +    """ Get session lifetime for the user object userobj """
   3 +    lifetime = int(request.cfg.cookie_lifetime[userobj and userobj.valid]) * 3600
   4 +    forever = 10 * 365 * 24 * 3600 # 10 years
   5 +
   6 +    if userobj and not userobj.valid:
   7 +        return abs(lifetime)
   8 +    elif userobj and userobj.valid:
   9 +        if lifetime > 0:
  10 +            if userobj.remember_me:
  11 +                return forever
  12 +            return lifetime
  13 +        return abs(lifetime)
  14 +    return abs(lifetime)
  15 +
  16  class FileSessionService(SessionService):
  17      """
  18      This sample session service stores session information in a temporary
  19 @@ -109,8 +124,7 @@
  20                  logging.debug("after auth: deleting session cookie!")
  21                  request.delete_cookie(self.cookie_name, path=cookie_path, domain=cfg.cookie_domain)
  23 -        lifetime_h = cfg.cookie_lifetime[userobj and userobj.valid]
  24 -        cookie_lifetime = int(float(lifetime_h) * 3600)
  25 +        cookie_lifetime = _get_session_lifetime(request, userobj)
  26          if cookie_lifetime:
  27              if
  28                  cookie_expires = time.time() + cookie_lifetime

(!) that patch can be simplified

/!\ while testing that patch I found another session problem. It seems not to be possible to change the cookie lifetime for a logged in user if you set a cookie_lifetime = (1, 12). You get only 1h (that's independent from that patch).



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/1.9_remember_me_broken (last edited 2009-04-22 22:29:58 by ReimarBauer)