Introduce MoinMoin to your friends (ghop issue 82 and ghop issue 83 Prepare a presentation by creating slides in Openoffice or Powerpoint about MoinMoin and hold it in front of your class or your friends. Document questions and reactions of the audience. Deliver these and the slides.

We estimate that this task takes 12h work time and you must complete this task within 14 days.

MoinMoin wiki: EasyToDo/IntroduceMoinMoinToYourFriends

This issue was done two times


EasyToDo/IntroduceMoinMoinToYourFriends/An Introduction to MoinMoin.ppt

MoinMoin: MoinMarketing/MoinPresentations/Introduce MoinMoin to your friends (last edited 2008-02-16 18:13:35 by ReimarBauer)