Quote Marco


This macro is mainly written for AccessibleMoin since one criteria for accessible sites (according to WCAG, BITV and others) is that short inline quotes should be marked with the <q cite="..." lang="> html markup so that screenreaders could recognize it, tell it to the user and e.g. read it in a different voice. For longer quotes please use the blockquote parser, see ParserMarket/QuoteParser for that.

To insert a quote just write:

Quote("Your quote as long as you want but not too long")

If the quote is in different language than the standard language of the wikipage, do tell that to the macro:

Quote("Your quote, more, more...", language=en)

You can also specifiy the source of the quote by cite:

Quote("Your quote, more, more...", cite=http://source.net)

Quote("Your quote, more, more...", cite=Taken from Aristotle Metaphysics)

Please note: If a source of the quote is provided, by default a footnote is created (by calling the FootNote macro). You can turn this behaviour off by setting "footnote=0", e.g.

Quote("Your quote, more, more...", cite=http://source.net, footnote=0)

MoinMoin: MacroMarket/QuoteMacro (last edited 2007-10-29 19:09:15 by localhost)