I patched PageComment2 from SeungikLee to include captchas (I actually use recaptcha). Thanks to SeungikLee for his great macro, which was easy enough to change.

I only tested the Macro on my 1.5 version, so I would be happy to hear about other versions of moinmoin.

As I am lazy I just link here to my own page for PageComment3. If you want, please transfer the macro here.

PageComment3 on ulno.net

In newer Moin versions it can use also TextCha. May be your captchas should be replaced by that. This site has no automated spam since Nov. 2007

As I personally am not a big supporter of TextChas (It takes me usually too long to solve them - just have now to solve: Enter a moin core team member's last name, took me more than 5 minutes to find - I just wanted to offer this for others to have some Choice. Also I have patched 1.5 at other places, so I am a little afraid switching to 1.6. -- UlrichNorbisrath

If you join us on #moin chat.freenode.net we may be able to help with patching and updating. ReimarBauer/Photo/img.png -- ReimarBauer 2008-11-09 18:38:09

everything is fine you are welcome. -- ReimarBauer 2008-11-09 21:09:32

MoinMoin: MacroMarket/PageComment3 (last edited 2008-11-09 21:09:32 by ReimarBauer)