Questions on the MacroMarket/Form macro should be posted as subpages of this one.

These are the questions posted so far:

Question to Form function under Linux moin-1.8.1: (unfortunately I was not able to create a subpage)
The example "Recipes" does work under WindowsXP and moin-1.8.1 in the DesktopEdition. Under Linux (NSLU2 box, SlugOSBE 3.1 and Ubuntu 0810) and moin-1.8.1 it does not work, "index error". When I use the pdb (debugger) around line 100 ( "form_dict_obj = request.dicts.dict(dict_name)" it does not find "Recipes/FormsDict" in "dictdict", while under Windows it does. That should be done in MoinMoin/, line 166 "d = self.dictdict[dictname]".

I did not found the location where "Recipes/FormsDict" should be inserted in "dictdict". Would you please be so kind to help me in that particular case?

-- RudolfReuter 2008-12-28

(!) Likely the problem is that you either have no page Recipes/FormsDict, or it is not matched by your configuration's page_form_regex regular expression or you need to delete the cache because it is stale somehow. -- ThomasWaldmann 2008-12-28 10:36:01

Thank you Thomas for the quick answer. To 1. the page was there; I saw the top up the first data field, To 2. 'page_form_regex' I do not know, so it is unlikely I changed it, To 3. on Ubuntu 0810 I setup a fresh installation and cleared the cache.
I have solved (workedaround?) the problem by inserting two lines in

    if not request.dicts.has_dict(dict_name): # fix for Linux, RudolfReuter 2008-12-28
        request.dicts.adddict(request, dict_name)

It works also on WindowsXP. I created an attachment to MacroMarket/Form -- RudolfReuter 2024-05-08 22:45:02

MoinMoin: MacroMarket/Form/Questions (last edited 2008-12-28 11:07:54 by RudolfReuter)