This page is about translating MoinMoin into Galician. Translation was done by Iván Méndez of the Free Software Office (University of A Corunna).

You can download the .po file:

Currently the translation was testes with the following versions of MoinMoin:

/!\ Please read EditingOnMoinMaster and create a page MoinI18n/gl there and load it with your po data. Next time I run the update scripts, it will get updated with 1.6 strings, so you can continue there and have it included in 1.6 release. -- ThomasWaldmann 2007-04-19 14:32:08

/!\ Can somebody please clean up? There are multiple translations:

MoinMoin: GalicianTranslation (last edited 2009-01-20 02:35:53 by ThomasWaldmann)