
update moin 1.9 system pages (uk)



Languages: Ukrainian (uk)

MoinMoin 1.9.x is our current stable release and broadly translated. Unfortunately, not all of the translations and related system pages are maintained well and thus, we have some that are a bit incomplete or have outdated or missing system pages.

Your task is to work on the system pages related to one translation. For doing this task it is required that the translation (MoinI18n/uk page) is rather complete, so please only claim this task if that either is already the case or you are willing to fix it so this is the case. If the stuff is very incomplete, there are separate tasks available just about updating the 1.9 translation.

System pages means pages like RecentChanges or MissingPage (we are not talking about help pages or course pages), they're listed there.

You must specify the language when claiming (we'll reject claims if no language is given).


Translation (or at least submission of results) and work on system pages needs to be done logged-in on the master19 wiki.

First, locate the translation you want to work on - the po files are located on subpages of page MoinI18n (called MoinI18n/uk for Ukrainian).

There should be no fuzzy strings, no untranslated strings (except when for good reason) and no #~ crap in the po file (and also no error messages rendered in the box above the po file). In case translation is in good condition, message above content (which captioned "Gettext status messages:") states something like 920 translated messages..

Now, go to "more actions" menu and choose "CheckTranslation". You will see a long list of system and help pages and notes about their state like "outdated", "missing", etc. - all stuff in red and with warning signs is interesting.

The groups of pages you need to consider is:

For outdated pages, you have to check the changes that were made to the original page since it was last updated and get the translated page "in sync" again with the original (English) page. Use and update ##master-date (or ##master-revision, if it's used before or you prefer this way of tracking original page updates).

For missing pages, think whether a page in your language for that purpose makes sense.

Note: some pages can be translated but with missing ##master-page comment. Those pages (in case they have proper #language PI) are listed at the bottom of CheckTranslation page.

Please also check your language on: http://master19.moinmo.in/SystemPagesGroup - read the note at top of this page.


Make moin better usable for people speaking your language.

Skill Requirements

You should have good English skills (for understanding the original text) and very good skills of the target language (for updating/creating the translated text). Very good means that you are either a native speaker of the target language or have comparable skills. You also need to be good in orthography and grammar.


MoinMoin: EasyToDo/update moin 1.9 system pages (uk) (last edited 2011-11-20 23:26:41 by ThomasWaldmann)